
Warning: Keep iPhone 12 Away From Pacemakers

Apple recently included a warning in their support documents for the iPhone 12, cautioning users to keep the phone at least 6 inches away from medical devices, specifically implanted pacemakers and heart defibrillators.1
The idea that electromagnetic fields can damage your health is not new. Over the past decade, I have written many articles discussing the evidence of biological harm from EMF.
While the wireless industry has been built on the premise that only ionizing radiation, such as that produced for X-rays, can cause health damage, researchers and scientists have been warning that even nonionizing and nonheat-producing radiation can cause damage to your health and the environment.2
I have been so convinced of the damage that EMF can cause to human health that I took three years to write “EMF*D,” which was released in early 2020 during the initial stages of the COVID-19 pandemic.
In the book, I reviewed the overwhelming scientific evidence that EMFs are a hidden health hazard that simply cannot be ignored any longer. Over the years I have interviewed several scientists who have shared their knowledge and expertise in a field that is poorly understood and in which the wireless industry has a vested interest in keeping you in the dark.
For over two decades evidence has demonstrated that EMF exposure has a negative influence on your immune system, which is significant during cold and flu season, as well as during the current COVID-19 pandemic.3 While Apple acknowledges the interference EMF may have on pacemakers, it is far from the only damage EMFs can do to your health.
Apple Cautions All iPhones May Interfere With Medical Devices

The new Apple iPhone 12 has reintroduced MagSafe magnets, which are built into the back of the device to attach accessories like magnetic cases or wireless chargers.4 MagSafe magnets were introduced in 2006 on the Mac computer, which allowed the power connector to magnetically attach. These were replaced with a USB-C connector in 2016 and reintroduced on the iPhone 12.
In late January 2021, Apple published a new support document cautioning these magnets, as well as the “radios that emit electromagnetic fields,” should be kept a “safe distance away from your device (more than 6 inches / 15 cm apart or more than 12 inches / 30 cm apart if wirelessly charging). But consult with your physician and your device manufacturer for specific guidelines.”5
The devices they refer to are “medical devices such as implanted pacemakers and defibrillators …”6 After Apple released the support documents, the New York Post7 reported that Apple was unable to be reached for comment.8 
Although there was no explanation for why the warning was published, it comes just weeks after a paper published in Heart Rhythm9 found the iPhone 12 could disrupt implanted defibrillator function. When brought near the implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) over the left chest, the researchers found the ICD immediately suspended action.10
The researchers were able to reproduce the effect multiple times and warned that the iPhone 12 “potentially can inhibit lifesaving therapy in a patient, particularly when the phone is carried in an upper chest pocket.”11
In their statements, Apple said the recent iPhone model poses nearly the same risk of interference as their past models and cautioned that the magnets and EMFs may interfere with the function of medical devices.12
Landmark Study Calls for Less EMF Exposure

Data published in late 2020 confirm many of the health effects scientists have warned about from EMFs. The New Hampshire Legislative Commission to Study the Environmental and Health Effects of Evolving 5g Technology was engaged to “study the environmental and health effects of 5G wireless technology in 2019.”13
The commission was made up of 13 members who were asked to answer questions such as why thousands of peer-reviewed studies that have demonstrated negative health effects have been ignored by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and why FCC guidelines do not account for the health effects of wireless technology.
In all, there were eight crucial questions. The commission heard from experts who all acknowledged that the RF radiation from wireless devices had an effect on humans, animals, insects and plants — all, that is, except for the telecommunications representative.14
In much the same way the tobacco industry worked to convince the public that smoking was not dangerous,15,16 the telecommunications industry is trying to sell the public on speed over safety. The 5G technology promises speeds that will be from 10 to 100 times faster than 4G17 and, yet, the signals will likely be weaker since the wavelengths do not penetrate buildings and tend to be incorporated into rain and plants.18
One of the significant problems is that it relies primarily on millimeter-wave (MMW) bandwidths, which are known to penetrate human tissue up to 2 millimeters, where it is absorbed by the surface of the cornea and conducted by sweat glands within the skin. Each of these factors leads to an association with several potential health problems.
The U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) has also found MMW useful in crowd control weapons called the Active Denial system, since it produces a severe burning sensation. The DOD writes, “The Active Denial System generates a focused and very directional millimeter-wave radio frequency beam.”19
MMW is also known to suppress your immune function20 and increase cellular stress, harmful free radicals, learning deficits21 and, potentially, bacterial antibiotic resistance.22 There is nothing to suggest that 5G will produce less harm than the current technology, and there are thousands of studies demonstrating the harmful effects that it could.

>>>>> Click Here <<<<< EMF Pollution Likely Taking a Hidden Toll on Your Health One of the significant challenges with EMF radiation is much like high blood pressure. You cannot see it and most people do not feel it. Additionally, EMF radiation cannot be heard or smelled. However, the evidence is clear — there are biological effects taking place whether you're able to sense those changes or not. For most, it's simply a matter of time and overall exposure load. It is important to realize we're not talking about just radiation emitted from your cellphone. Within your home and work environment you are likely exposed to electromagnetic frequencies from Wi-Fi routers, computers, home appliances and wireless “smart” technology. With the development and rollout of 5G, it's bound to get far worse. In 2004, the World Health Organization acknowledged the existence and reality of electromagnetic hypersensitivity, writing about those who experience it saying: “Their EMF exposure is generally several orders of magnitude under the limits of internationally accepted standards.”23 One year later they acknowledged, "Approximately 10% of reported cases of EHS were considered severe" and "… others are so severely affected that they cease work and change their entire lifestyle."24 In 2008, one study25 noted the prevalence of electromagnetic hypersensitivity syndrome in Austria had risen 1.5% since 1994, which appears to follow the industry growth curve.26 Symptoms can vary between individuals, but some of the commonly reported symptoms of electromagnetic hypersensitivity syndrome include:27,28 Anxiety Body pain Burning sensation on the skin Headaches Heart arrhythmia Lethargy Muscle aches Nausea Skin rash Sleep disturbances Stress Tinnitus (ringing in the ears) US Military Investigating EMF and Pilot Crashes Wireless technology is also used by the U.S. military. Following a history of unexplained aviation crashes, the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) issued a solicitation for research in late 2020 for the Impact of Cockpit Electromagnetics on Aircrew Neurology (ICEMAN) project.29 The objective is to determine how the flood of “radio frequency noise from onboard emissions, communication links, and navigation electronics — including strong electromagnetic fields from audio headsets and helmet tracking technologies” are affecting combat aircraft pilots.30 In 2018 there was a series of three plane crashes that killed five servicemen over two days. At a press conference the director of the Pentagon's joint staff downplayed the trend and rejected questions that suggested the military program was in crisis.31 One year earlier 37 servicemen died in non-combat crashes, double the number that died in 2016. Fox News reported in April 2018 of additional crashes and emergency landings that did not result in fatalities.32 In 2016, Martin Paul, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of biochemistry and basic medical sciences at Washington State University, published a paper describing how EMF can trigger neuropsychiatric problems.33 The paper built on past research34,35 that showed EMF triggers voltage-gated calcium channels to open, which in turn causes a chemical cascade resulting in the production of harmful peroxynitrite. Since the brain and nervous system have particularly high density of voltage-gated calcium channels they are prone to the impact of EMFs. Strategies to Reduce Your Exposure to EMFs There is no doubt in my mind that microwave radiation from wireless technologies is a significant health hazard that needs to be addressed if you're concerned about your health. Unfortunately, you may be frequently exposed at home and in the workplace. With the rollout of 5G, this will make remedial action even more challenging. It is important to get involved and do what you can before 5G becomes a permanent fixture in the environment, such as contacting your local lawmakers and signing local petitions. There are also strategies to help reduce your exposure and mitigate the damage from wireless technology. I've made a chapter from my book “EMF*D” free to download. It summarizes many of the major recommendations and is a handy reference as you're making changes in your home. In early 2020, I also interviewed Brian Hoyer, a leading EMF expert and primary consultant for my book “EMF*D.” In a two-part series Brian shared his personal journey and training and we answered many questions. Consider the suggestions in these articles as well: The No. 1 Thing to Do to Protect Yourself From EMFs Your EMF Questions Answered, Part 2 Landmark 5G Study Highlights Health Threats


Cheese Is One of the Most Neuroprotective Foods

What you eat has a powerful effect on brain health and can even influence your cognitive function long-term. In particular, a study of 1,787 adults revealed that out of 49 whole foods, cheese was “by far” the most protective food when it comes to avoiding age-related cognitive problems.1
Cheese has been unfairly vilified due to its saturated fat content, when in reality it’s a wholesome food that provides key nutrients many people are lacking, including healthy fats and vitamins. As the featured study shows, eating cheese daily may be a simple way to keep your brain sharp, even into your later years.
Eat Cheese Daily to Protect Your Brain

Researchers from Iowa State University measured what’s known as fluid intelligence (FI) among the study participants, who ranged in age from 46 to 77 when the study was completed. Fluid intelligence is the ability to “think on the fly” or solve problems without any prior knowledge of the problem at hand.
Research suggests that greater decline in fluid intelligence as you age is associated with an increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease,2 but dietary changes may influence fluid intelligence.
The study evaluated self-reported intake of 49 foods, including fruits and vegetables, fish, meat, bread, coffee and wine, and compared it to fluid intelligence trajectories among the participants, some of whom had a family history of Alzheimer’s disease while some did not.
Those who ate cheese daily had better fluid intelligence scores over time, while red wine consumption also had a favorable effect. Consuming lamb weekly also led to improved FI outcomes.3 Study author Auriel Willette, an assistant professor in Food Science and Human Nutrition, said in a news release:4

“I was pleasantly surprised that our results suggest that responsibly eating cheese and drinking red wine daily are not just good for helping us cope with our current COVID-19 pandemic, but perhaps also dealing with an increasingly complex world that never seems to slow down.

While we took into account whether this was just due to what well-off people eat and drink, randomized clinical trials are needed to determine if making easy changes in our diet could help our brains in significant ways.”

The researchers concluded that modifying your daily meal plans may minimize cognitive decline while adding cheese, red wine and weekly lamb may improve long-term cognitive function.5 Study author Brandon Klinedinst, a neuroscience Ph.D. candidate at Iowa State, further highlighted the power of diet on your long-term brain health:6

“Depending on the genetic factors you carry, some individuals seem to be more protected from the effects of Alzheimers, while other seem to be at greater risk. That said, I believe the right food choices can prevent the disease and cognitive decline altogether.

Perhaps the silver bullet we’re looking for is upgrading how we eat. Knowing what that entails contributes to a better understanding of Alzheimer’s and putting this disease in a reverse trajectory.”

Cheese Is a Brain Food

Cheese isn’t widely known as a “brain food” — but it should be. For instance, consuming mold-fermented cheese, like camembert, for three months had beneficial effects on brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels in older women with mild cognitive decline.7
BDNF is highly involved in the growth and survival of nerve cells specifically,8 and low levels of BDNF have been connected to the development of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease,9,10 as well as other brain disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease and schizophrenia.11
Bioactive peptides produced by milk fermentation during the cheese-making process may also have antioxidant properties that play a role in enhancing cognitive ability.12
Intake of camembert cheese has been shown to prevent Alzheimer’s disease in an animal study, and it’s thought that novel lactopeptides in fermented dairy products may improve memory function and cognitive decline.13 When researchers screened peptides generated from whey proteins during cheese manufacturing, Trp-Tyr (WY)-containing peptides were found to improve memory function in mice.14
They worked by inhibiting monoamine oxidase-B activity (MAO-B) — MAO-B has been suggested as a biomarker of neuroinflammation in neurodegenerative disorders15 — thereby helping to prevent age-related cognitive decline.16 A host of other studies also hint at the brain protective potential of cheese, including:

Consuming cheese or other dairy products once a week was associated with higher cognitive function than not consuming it17
Over 17 years of follow-up, greater milk and dairy intake reduced the risk of dementia, especially Alzheimer’s disease, in the Japanese population18
Among men, high intake of dairy products was significantly associated with better short-term memory19

Why Cheese Is Good for You
Cheese contains nutrients that are beneficial for your whole body, including the powerful nutritional triad of calcium, vitamin D and vitamin K2, which together channel calcium into your bones and teeth while keeping it out of your arteries.
Aside from natto, cheese is the food with the highest menaquinone, or vitamin K2, concentrations, but levels vary depending on the type of cheese. Dutch hard cheeses such as gouda and edam have relatively high concentrations, as do French cheeses such as Munster cheese.20
In addition to bone health, vitamin K2’s role in heart health is well-noted. In fact, in one study, those who had the highest amount of vitamin K2 were 52% less likely to experience severe calcification in their arteries and 57% less likely to die from heart disease over a seven- to 10-year period.21
When you eat cheese, you also get high-quality protein and amino acids, omega-3 fats and vitamins and minerals, including calcium, zinc, phosphorus, vitamins A, D, B2 (riboflavin), and B12.22 You’ll also get beneficial CLA (conjugated linoleic acid), a powerful cancer-fighter, particularly when you eat grass fed cheese.
Cheese Wards Off Chronic Disease

The nutrients in cheese add up to whole-body effects that may help prevent chronic disease even outside of your brain. In a study published in BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care, for instance, researchers noted that participants who ate at least two servings of dairy products each day had a lower risk of high blood pressure and Type 2 diabetes.23 In addition, they were at lower risk for metabolic syndrome.
“Emerging evidence suggests that dairy foods, particularly whole fat dairy and fermented dairy (e.g., cheese or yogurt), may influence diverse pathways and have favorable metabolic effects,” the researchers explained.24 This is another way cheese may be neuroprotective, as conditions like diabetes take a toll on your brain health. Diabetes even ages your brain about five years faster than normal.25
An inverse relationship has also been found between the daily amount of fermented dairy consumed and the development of heart disease. For instance, those who had the highest intake of fermented dairy products had a 27% lower risk of heart disease in one study.26
Greater cheese consumption, in particular, is also linked with a lower risk of heart disease.27 Writing in the British Journal of Nutrition, researchers noted that dairy products shouldn’t be vilified due to their fat content but, rather, “The whole food matrix should be considered,” and:28

“Based on experimental and prospective studies to date, it seems plausible that manufacturing processes, such as fermentation, could influence how different dairy products affect the development of CVD [cardiovascular disease].

Fermentation process includes adding live bacteria to dairy foods, which can act as probiotics and result in multiple cardiometabolic benefits. Some of these bacteria, used for example in cheese making, form vitamin K2, which has been associated with lower risk of CHD [coronary heart disease].”

The Type of Cheese Matters

All cheese is not created equal, particularly if it’s highly processed. Processed cheese or “cheese food” is not a health food and should be avoided, while natural cheese is a whole food — a simple fermented dairy product made with nothing more than a few basic ingredients — milk, starter culture, salt and an enzyme called rennet.
You can tell a natural cheese by its label, which will state the name of the cheese variety, such as “cheddar cheese,” “blue cheese,” or “brie.” Real cheese requires refrigeration. Taking it up a notch is grass fed cheese, which is made from the milk of grass fed cows. There are a number of reasons to seek out grass fed dairy products as much as possible.
For foodies, the seasonal variations in flavor are a huge draw. For the health-conscious, milk from cows raised primarily on pasture has been shown to be higher in many nutrients, including vitamin E, beta-carotene and the healthy fats omega-3 and CLA.29
On an environmental level, grass fed dairy also has a considerably reduced footprint compared to the way most dairy is produced on concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs). You may find grass fed dairy farmers who have not yet gone through (or who cannot afford to go through) the USDA’s organic certification process. In that case, speak to the farmer directly to find out about how the animals are raised.
You can also look for the American Grassfed Association (AGA) logo, a much-needed grass fed standards and certification for American-grown grass fed meat and dairy.30 Raw grass fed cheese is also highly recommended and, because raw cheese is not pasteurized, natural enzymes in the milk are preserved, increasing its nutritional punch.
Overall, grass fed cheese is a healthy whole food to include in your diet, one that offers protection for your brain and your health as a whole. It’s not, however, the only food that’s beneficial for your brain. If you’re looking for more tips on what to eat to protect your cognitive function, focus on avoiding processed fast foods and eating plenty of brain-boosting foods, like small cold-water fish, cruciferous veggies, leafy greens and pastured, organic eggs, instead.


Ground Zero Infection at the Wuhan Lab

The Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) lab appears to be Ground Zero for infection for SARS-CoV-2, according to a paper trail left by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) itself and explored in the above video. Its author, who lived in China for 10 years and speaks fluent Chinese, said this is not so much a theory as a revelation of publicly available information that he came across.
One of his earliest suspicions arose from a November 18, 2019, job opening posted by WIV, looking for someone to research the relationship between coronavirus and bats and, specifically, how bats can carry coronavirus but still be long lived. Another job opening at WIV, posted December 24, 2019, suggested that they’d discovered a “new and terrible virus” and were recruiting people to come and deal with it.
‘Bat Woman’ Researcher May Have Been Patient Zero

Upon digging into the staff at WIV, the author highlights Shi Zhengli, Ph.D., the director of WIV’s Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases, also known as “bat woman.” She has been studying bat-borne viruses since 2004, including SARS-like coronaviruses.
According to the World Society for Virology, “One of her great contributions is to uncover genetically diverse SARS-like coronaviruses in bats with her international collaborators and provide unequivocal evidence that bats are natural reservoirs of SARS-CoV.”1
In his book “China COVID-19: The Chimera That Changed the World,”2 professor Giuseppe Tritto — president of the World Academy of Biomedical Sciences and Technology, founded under UNESCO, and an internationally recognized expert in bio and nanotechnology — accuses Shi of producing a SARS-like virus with increased pathogenicity by inserting a segment of the HIV virus into a horseshoe bat coronavirus.3
Chinese officials also recently deleted some 300 coronavirus studies, including all of the papers published by Shi. A fact sheet released January 15, 2021, by the U.S. Department of State, but which has since been archived, further questions WIV’s research on bat and other coronaviruses prior to the COVID-19 outbreak:4

“The U.S. government has reason to believe that several researchers inside the WIV became sick in autumn 2019, before the first identified case of the outbreak, with symptoms consistent with both COVID-19 and common seasonal illnesses.

This raises questions about the credibility of WIV senior researcher Shi Zhengli’s public claim that there was ‘zero infection’ among the WIV’s staff and students of SARS-CoV-2 or SARS-related viruses.”

The previously undisclosed information in the fact sheet notes that accidental laboratory infections have caused several previous virus outbreaks and the Chinese government has prevented investigators and journalists from interviewing WIV researchers.
What’s more, WIV researchers have been conducting experiments involving the bat coronavirus RaTG13 — the closest known relative to SARS-CoV-2, with 96.2% similarity — since at least 2016.
2018: Coronaviruses From Bats Likely to Infect People

In October 2015, Shi and her team conducted serological surveillance on people who live in close proximity to caves where bats that carry diverse SARSr-CoVs [severe acute respiratory syndrome coronaviruses] roost.5 They took blood samples from 218 villagers in Jinning County, Yunnan province, China, which revealed that six people were infected.
“Our study provides the first serological evidence of likely human infection by bat SARSr-CoVs or, potentially, related viruses,” they wrote, and, “These results indicate that some SARSr-CoVs may have high potential to infect human cells.”6
Peter Daszak, EcoHealth Alliance president, was also a part of the study, which is notable since he is also part of the World Health Organization team that is investigating the origins of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.
Daszak works closely with WIV and dozens of others on controversial gain-of-function research, which involves manipulating pathogens, including coronaviruses, to make them more infectious or lethal. He has openly and repeatedly dismissed the possibility of the pandemic being the result of a lab leak,7 and also has close ties to Shi.
If there were any doubt, The Sun,8 a tabloid paper in the U.K., featured a Twitter conversation in which Daszak “appears to say he is looking forward to an alcohol-fueled karaoke party in a bat cave with Shi Zhengli,” GM watch noted.9
Daszak tweets, “Looking forward to that special moment when we hit the baiju and the karaoke with Zhengli & Linfa [likely referring to Wang Linfa, aka ‘batman,’ another bat researcher and WIV’s chairman of scientific advisory10].” He adds, “Right now a party in a bat cave sounds just right to me!!”11
Report: Wuhan Lab Researchers Had Symptoms, Self-Quarantined

The video also mentions Botao Xiao, Ph.D., a professor at Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan, China, who trained at Northwestern University and Harvard Medical School. In February 2020, he posted a thesis about details he knew but wasn’t supposed to talk about.
He knew, for instance, that researchers at WIV were infected and had already begun to self-quarantine after showing symptoms. He said the majority of the researchers at the lab were suspicious that the virus was from bats, that it’s not a natural infection and that the main source of the virus is from the Wuhan lab, which, by the way, is only 280 meters (306.2 yards) from the seafood market where the virus was “officially” said to have originated.
According to the video, he also indicated that researchers were splashed with urine and blood samples from collected bats, along with a timeline of these events, and he knew how many bats were collected. In an October 19, 2020, report, however, Dr. Peter Breggin revealed the CCP forced them to recant and the paper was withdrawn, “perhaps because it was so cogently written and spot on.”12
Patient Zero Is Missing

Huang Yan Ling was a researcher at WIV who worked closely with Shi. According to the video, many believe Ling is Patient Zero for the COVID-19 pandemic, but she’s now missing. Her profile and biography are missing from WIV’s website, but, after rumors surfaced that she was presumed dead, the Chinese government posted a notice on WIV’s site saying she’s alive and well.
No proof was offered, however, and the author suggests that if CCP wanted to stop the rumors, the first thing they would have done was have her schedule a public appearance. But “no one has seen her.”
A message reportedly appeared on China’s WeChat messaging service claiming to be from Ling and stating, “To my teachers and fellow students, how long no speak. I am Huang Yanling, still alive. If you receive any email [regarding the Covid rumor], please say it’s not true,” but she has since vanished from social media.13 The U.K.’s Mirror further reported in January 2021:14

“The year-long hunt for Huan Yan Ling pushes on amid a suspected ‘state cover-up’ after the scientist disappeared when reports surfaced online last February naming her as ‘Patient Zero’ … State officials and lab agents were quick to rubbish the reports at the time and remove them from the internet.

They claimed Huang was safe and had simply moved jobs, with a Chinese news agency even claiming to have spoken her new employer. But China is yet to produce the scientist physically despite numerous requests from the U.S. State Department to stop hiding information. Their reluctance has fueled the theory she is either dead or being held by the state to cover up the institute’s role in the pandemic …”

SARS-CoV-2 Uniquely Well-Adapted for Human Infection
Daszak told The Associated Press in November 2020 that SARS-CoV-2 could have passed from a wildlife poacher to a trader who brought it to Wuhan,15 and others have also pushed the idea that SARS-CoV-2 arose and evolved naturally, skipping from one animal species to another before ultimately developing the capability of infecting humans.
There’s no direct evidence that the virus arose zoonotically,16 however, while Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D., a former researcher with the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute, has detailed several unique features that make SARS-CoV-2 exceptionally well-adapted for human infection:17

A very high infection rate, thanks to it being more selective for the human ACE2 receptor than SARS-Cov-1 (the virus responsible for the 2003 SARS pandemic)18
A unique furin cleavage site not found in any closely related bat coronaviruses, which allows the virus to fuse to human cells, thereby enhancing its pathogenicity and transmissibility19,20
Certain spike protein structures that are similar to those found in the MERS-CoV virus, which allow the virus to attach using not only the ACE2 receptor but also the DPP4 receptor, like MERS-CoV. This dual receptor strategy might be responsible for its ability to infect a wide range of human tissues21

Jean-Claude Perez, Ph.D., a retired interdisciplinary researcher with the IBM European Research Center on Artificial Intelligence, also claims to provide “formal proof that 2019-nCoV coronavirus is partially a synthetic genome” due to the presence of HIV1 retrovirus fragments.22
Will WHO Team Investigate a Possible Lab Leak?
In an editorial published in the Journal of Human Security, Colin Butler of Australian National University, a former WHO adviser who not only worked in China but also previously worked with Daszak, argued there is “striking” evidence that COVID-19 may have leaked from a lab.23,24
The AP noted, however, “According to WHO’s published agenda25 for its origins research, there are no plans to assess whether there might have been an accidental release of the coronavirus at the Wuhan lab.”26 Taking it a step further, GM Watch reported that Daszak “has already poured cold water on calls for a forensic investigation”:27

“An article in Science28 quotes him as saying, ‘Some of the more anti-China rhetoric that’s out there, about, we need to go into the lab and look at the video cameras, this sort of thing, that’s not realistic, that’s not what happens.’

This prompted Richard Ebright of Rutgers to comment,29 ‘Daszak’s claim that calls for a thorough and credible investigation, as opposed to a cursory and conflict-ridden investigation, are ‘anti-China rhetoric’ is self-serving nonsense.’”

In February 2021, it was reported that the WHO team spent 3.5 hours at WIV, with little actual information released afterward. Daszak vaguely stated on Twitter, “Extremely important meeting today with staff at WIV including Dr. Shi Zhengli. Frank, open discussion. Key questions asked & answered.”30
Yet, given the glaring need for a thorough and independent investigation into a possible laboratory leak, many have called for Daszak to step down from the WHO investigatory team,31 as evidence ramps up that a laboratory leak cannot be ruled out.


Ease Neck Strain From Faulty Posture

Poor posture has become the norm rather than the exception in the 21st century — the outcome of sedentary lifestyles, office work and excessive screen time. Neck humps, also known as a buffalo hump, dowager’s hump or, clinically, as kyphosis or rounding of the back, can be caused by osteoporosis, arthritis and spinal fractures,1 but most commonly are due to poor posture.2
Leaning forward, slouching or hunching over in front of a computer, cellphone or tablet puts extra strain on your back and can lead to an abnormal curve in the upper vertebrae along with a mass of tissue that forms at the base of the neck.
According to Dr. Fredrick Wilson of Cleveland Clinic’s Center for Spine Health, a neck hump may show up around middle-age because it’s caused by a long-term weakening of the thoracic extensor muscles, although it can also occur in adolescence:3

“Bad posture is the most common cause of a dowager’s hump. You have an increased curve in the upper neck so you have to lift the head, so it protrudes forward … That forward curve is bad for disks and increases the risk of disk problems and neck fatigue. Our muscles aren’t made for that kind of curve. It can cause upper and lower back pain and even some difficulty with tightness in the legs.”

The good news is that neck humps can be prevented with proper posture and, often, treated with appropriate exercises.
Three Exercises to Correct a Neck Hump

In the video above, Jasper Hulscher, clinic director at Milton and Fornham Chiropractic Clinics, shares three exercises that help to correct a neck hump.

1. YWTL Exercise — This exercise works by stretching your thoracic spine from the top to the bottom. First, raise your arms in the air with your palms facing forward — this is the “Y” position. Then pull your arms backward and hold for about 30 seconds. From there, move your arms down to the “W” position, still pulling your arms back and with your elbows pointing down. Hold this for another 30 seconds.
Next, spread your arms, with your palms still facing forward, into a “T” position, pulling your arms as far back as you can and holding for 30 seconds. The final step is moving your arms into the “L” position with your elbows at your sides. Really pull your forearms back and hold them for 30 seconds.
2. Pull Arm/Tilt Head — Place your hands behind your back and grab your wrist. Then straighten your elbows and pull your arms back while squeezing your shoulder blades together. Tilt your head back and hold the position for about 30 seconds. Breathe out while you’re leaning back.
3. Arm Up/Turn and Tilt — Stand facing a wall. Slide your right arm up the wall, then turn your head to the right and tilt your head backward. Hold for about 15 seconds, then repeat the sequence three times. Be careful not to get dizzy. Next, do the same sequence on your left side.

How Cellphones Are Wrecking Your Posture

The widespread usage of cellphones, tablets and other screens is a recent phenomenon as far as your musculoskeletal system is concerned, yet it’s led to drastic changes in daily body movements and posture. In 2016, researchers with Daegu University in the Republic of Korea evaluated changes in posture and respiratory functions among people using cellphones for prolonged durations.4
“Faulty posture,” including holding your neck forward, slouching and rounding your shoulders, is common when using a cellphone for longer periods. Further, past research has shown cellphone users have more neck, shoulder and thumb pain, with severity increasing the longer they spend using a cellphone.5
Forward neck posture is extremely problematic and can cause injuries to ligaments and the cervical and lumbar spine, while neck pain due to faulty posture can also affect your breathing patterns.
In 2014, in fact, Dr. Kenneth Hansraj with New York Spine Surgery & Rehabilitation Medicine calculated the weight felt by the spine as your neck is flexed at varying degrees. When your head is upright at zero degrees, you’re in a neutral position and your head’s weight is 10 to 12 pounds.
However, as you begin to tilt your head forward to look at a cellphone, it places additional forces on your neck and makes your head feel much heavier. For instance, at a 15-degree tilt, your head feels like 27 pounds, while at a 45-degree tilt, it’s more like 49 pounds.6 This can easily lead to excess wear and tear and degeneration to your spine.
The Daegu University study involved 50 young adults who were divided into two groups: those who used a cellphone less than four hours a day and those who used them for more than four hours daily. Forward head posture (FHP) was assessed using craniovertebral angle (CVA); a lower CVA is associated with greater forward head posture. According to the researchers:7

“FHP is one of the most common cervical abnormalities that predisposes individuals to pathological conditions, such as headache, neck pain, temporomandibular disorders, vertebral body disorders, alterations in the length and strength of soft-tissue, and scapula and shoulder dyskinesia. Many studies proved that prolonged computer users tended to have a higher ratio of FHP.”

The study revealed that those who used a cellphone for longer durations had worse FHP and more rounded shoulders, along with partly impaired respiratory function, compared to those who used a cellphone for shorter periods.
It’s likely that the small size of a cellphone screen only worsens the problem, as the researchers noted, “If people concentrate on watching the relatively small screen, they tend to bend their neck more to look at the screen. This may be the reason for the development of more severe problems.”8
iPad Neck Is a Growing Problem

Another study of 412 university students suggested that the use of iPads and other tablets are creating a condition known as “tablet neck” or “iPad” neck in young adults.9 The neck and shoulder pain occurs most often when using the device without back support, such as sitting on the floor, or slumping over the device while it’s in your lap. Using a table while lying on your side or back was also linked to pain.10
Overall, 67.9% of those who used a tablet in a school setting reported musculoskeletal symptoms, with neck symptoms occurring most often, including stiffness, soreness and aching. Pain in the upper back/shoulder, arms/hands and head was also reported.
“Such high prevalence of neck and shoulder symptoms, especially among the younger populations, presents a substantial burden to society,” the study’s lead author Szu-Ping Lee, a physical therapy professor with the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, said in a news release.11
While he noted that, theoretically, neck and shoulder pain increase the longer you spend bent over a tablet, their study revealed that gender and specific postures were greater predictors of pain than duration of use.
Women were 2.059 times more likely to have musculoskeletal symptoms during tablet use than men, and the postures listed above (no back support, device in lap or lying on your side/back) were associated with more pain. Sitting in a chair with the device flat on a desk was also linked to pain.12 However, of all the postural factors, using a tablet without back support was the one most likely to cause pain.13
According to Lee, sitting in a chair with back support is one of the most important factors to preventing iPad neck.14 “And perhaps that’s something for building planners to think about: Installing benches or other chairs without back support invites people to crunch down with iPads in their laps, contributing to posture-related pain problems,” he said. Other tips include:15

Use a wearable device known as a “posture trainer,” which clips to your clothing and beeps to remind you to straighten up if you’re slouching
Place your tablet on a stand instead of a flat surface
Attach a keyboard to your tablet for typing, which promotes a more upright posture
Strengthen your neck and shoulder muscles via exercise

How to Prevent a Neck Hump or ‘iPad Hump’

Chest up, chin back posture is useful for significantly reducing your risk of developing a neck hump. A forward slumped posture tends to be related to chronic improper posturing that worsens over time, eventually leading to the development of rigid intractable calcifications.
The beginning of the progression of a neck hump is typically the loss of thoracic extension. According to chiropractor Eric Goodman, creator of Foundation Training:

“I think the lack of movement and stagnation in bone leads to calcification and typical degenerative changes. Degenerative changes along with spine make it less mobile … It supports it because the muscles aren’t, the discs aren’t. It puts very rigid support structures in place.

Now, can you imagine 20, 50 years from now, when it’s 60 or 70 years after cellphones and iPads came around, the dowager’s humps, we can start calling them the iPad hump … The younger you are, the more capacity you have to be plastic, to engage your body’s natural tendency to respond to stimulus in such a fashion that will get better and better at doing the thing you’re asking it to do.

If you’re often asking it to look down at your phone, please often ask it to lift your chest up, to pull your chin back and to just stand very firm on the ground. Just look at your phone while keeping your chin back and chest up.”

Even if you’ve already started to develop a slight hump, chances are you’ll be able to significantly improve your alignment using the proper exercises and posture, provided your spine has not yet calcified. The Gokhale Method, which helps retrain your body back to its “primal posture” by correcting the habits that may be causing pain is one solution that can help.
A physical therapist or chiropractor can also provide exercises that target a neck hump, but strengthening your upper back muscles will be helpful. Wilson also recommends:16

Doing chin tucks, in which you pull your chin down into your neck. This helps strengthen neck muscles.
Performing scapular squeezes, in which you squeeze your shoulder blades together, which targets your upper back muscles.
Doing pushups while standing up, using the corner of a room or a doorway. This allows your shoulders to move past your hands.


The Insanity of the PCR Testing Saga

For several months, experts have highlighted the true cause behind the COVID-19 pandemic, namely the incorrect use of PCR tests set at a ridiculously high cycle count (CT), which falsely labels healthy people as “COVID-19 cases.” In reality, the PCR test is not a proper diagnostic test, although it has been promoted as such.
An important question that demands an answer is whether the experts at our federal health agencies and the World Health Organization were really too ignorant to understand the implications of using this test at excessive CT, or whether it was done on purpose to create the illusion of a dangerous, out-of-control pandemic.
Regardless, those in charge need to be held accountable, which is precisely what the German Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee (Außerparlamentarischer Corona Untersuchungsausschuss,1 or ACU),2,3 intends to do.
They’re in the process of launching an international class-action lawsuit against those responsible for using fraudulent testing to engineer the appearance of a dangerous pandemic in order to implement economically devastating lockdowns around the world. I wrote about this in “Coronavirus Fraud Scandal — The Biggest Fight Has Just Begun” and “German Lawyers Initiate Class-Action Coronavirus Litigation.”
FDA Demands Higher False Positives

An interesting case detailed in a January 21, 2021, Buzzfeed article4 that raises those same questions in regard to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is its recent spat with Curative, a California testing company that got its start in January 2020. It has since risen to become one of the largest COVID-19 test providers in the U.S.
Curative’s most popular PCR test differs from other providers in that it uses spit swabbed from the patient’s tongue, cheek and mouth rather than from the back of the nasal cavity.
In April 2020, the FDA issued an accelerated emergency use authorization5 for the Curative spit test, but only for patients who had been symptomatic within the two weeks prior to taking the test, as the data available at that time showed it failed to catch asymptomatic “cases.”
However, the test was subsequently used off-label on individuals without symptoms anyway, and the company has been urging the FDA to expand its authorization to include asymptomatic individuals based on newer data.
In December 2020, Curative submitted that data,6 showing its oral spit test accurately identified about 90% of positive cases when compared against a nasopharyngeal PCR test set to 35 CT.7
The FDA objected, saying that Curative was comparing its test against a PCR that had a CT that was too low, and would therefore produce too many false negatives.8 According to the FDA, the bar Curative had chosen was “not appropriate and arbitrary,” Buzzfeed reports.9
This is a curious statement coming from the FDA, considering the scientific consensus on PCR tests is that anything over 35 CTs is scientifically unjustifiable.10,11,12
From the start, the FDA and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended running PCR tests at a CT of 40.13 This was already high enough to produce an inordinate number of false positives, thereby labeling healthy people as “COVID-19 cases,” but when it comes to Curative’s spit test, the FDA is demanding they compare it against PCR processed at a CT of 45, which is even more likely to produce false positives.
Medically speaking, a “case” refers to a sick person. It never ever referred to someone who had no symptoms of illness.
The FDA’s concern is that Curative’s test is missing infections and giving infectious people a clean bill of health. However, in reality, it’s far more likely that the test is accurately weeding out people who indeed are not infectious at all and rightly should be given a clean bill of health. It seems the FDA is merely pushing for a process that will ensure a higher “caseload” to keep the illusion of widespread infection going.
When Are You Actually Infectious?

A persistent sticking point with the PCR test is that it picks up dead viral debris, and by excessively magnifying those particles with CTs in the 40s, noninfectious individuals are labeled as infectious and told to self-isolate. In short, media and public health officials have conflated “cases” — positive tests — with the actual illness.

Medically speaking, a “case” refers to a sick person. It never ever referred to someone who had no symptoms of illness. Now all of a sudden, this well-established medical term, “case,” has been arbitrarily redefined to mean someone who tested positive for the presence of noninfectious viral RNA.
The research is unequivocal when it comes to who’s infectious and who’s not. You cannot infect another person unless you carry live virus, and you typically will not develop symptoms unless your viral load is high enough.
As it pertains to PCR testing, when excessively high CTs are used, even a minute viral load that is too low to cause symptoms can register as positive. And, since the test cannot distinguish between live virus and dead viral debris, you may not even be carrying live virus at all.
These significant drawbacks are why PCR testing really only should be done on symptomatic patients, and why a positive test should be weighed as just one factor of diagnosis. Symptoms must also be taken into account. If you have no symptoms, your chances of being infectious and spreading the infection to others is basically nil, as data14 from 9,899,828 individuals have shown.
Of these, not a single person who had been in close contact with an asymptomatic individual ended up testing positive. This study even confirmed that even in cases where asymptomatic individuals had had an active infection, and had been carriers of live virus, the viral load had been too low for transmission. As noted by the authors:15

“Compared with symptomatic patients, asymptomatic infected persons generally have low quantity of viral loads and a short duration of viral shedding, which decrease the transmission risk of SARS-CoV-2.
In the present study, virus culture was carried out on samples from asymptomatic positive cases, and found no viable SARS-CoV-2 virus. All close contacts of the asymptomatic positive cases tested negative, indicating that the asymptomatic positive cases detected in this study were unlikely to be infectious.”

PCR Picks Up Dead Virus for Weeks After Infection Has Cleared

Because the PCR test cannot discern between live virus and dead, noninfectious viral debris, the timing of the test ends up being important. One example of this was presented in a letter to the editor of The New England Journal of Medicine,16 in which the author describes an investigation done on hospitalized COVID-19 patients in Seoul, South Korea.
Whereas the median time from symptom onset to viral clearance confirmed by cultured samples was just seven days, with the longest time frame being 12 days, the PCR test continued to pick up SARS-CoV-2 for a median of 34 days. The shortest time between symptom onset to a negative PCR test was 24 days.
In other words, there was no detectable live virus in patients after about seven days from onset of symptoms (at most 12 days). The PCR test, however, continued to register them as “positive” for SARS-CoV-2 for about 34 days. The reason this matters is because if you have no live virus in your body, you are not infectious and pose no risk to others.
This then means that testing patients beyond, say, Day 12 to be safe, after symptom onset is pointless, as any positive result is likely to be false. But there’s more. As noted in that New England Journal of Medicine article:17

“Viable virus was identified until 3 days after the resolution in fever … Viral culture was positive only in samples with a cycle-threshold value of 28.4 or less. The incidence of culture positivity decreased with an increasing time from symptom onset and with an increasing cycle-threshold value.”

This suggests symptomology is a really important piece of the puzzle. If no viable virus is detectable beyond Day 3 after your fever ends, it’s probably unnecessary to retest beyond that point. A positive result beyond Day 3 after your fever breaks is, again, likely to be a false positive, as you have to have live virus in order to be infectious.
Even more important, these results reconfirm that CTs above 30 are inadvisable as they’re highly likely to be wrong. Here, they found the CT had to be below 28.4 in order for the positive test to correspond with live virus. As noted by the authors:18

“Our findings may be useful in guiding isolation periods for patients with Covid-19 and in estimating the risk of secondary transmission among close contacts in contract tracing.”

Testing for Dead Viruses Will Ensure Everlasting Lockdowns

To circle back to the Curative PCR test, the company argues that the test is accurate when it comes to detecting active infection, and as CEO Fred Turner told Buzzfeed:19

“If you’re screening for a return to work and you’re picking up everyone who had COVID two months ago, no one’s going to return to work. If you want to detect active COVID, what the ‘early’ study shows is that Curative is highly effective at doing that.”

Again, this has to do with the fact that the Curative spit test has a sensitivity resembling that of a nasopharyngeal PCR set at a CT of 30. The lower CT count narrows the pool of positive results to include primarily those with higher viral loads and those who are more likely to actually carry live virus. This is a good thing. What the FDA wants Curative to do is to widen that net so that more noninfectious individuals can be labeled as a “case.”
In an email to Buzzfeed, Dr. Michael Mina, an epidemiologist at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, stated that using a CT of 45 is “absolutely insane,” because at that magnification, you may be looking at a single RNA molecule, whereas “when people are sick and are contagious, they literally can have 1,000,000,000,000x that number.”20
Mina added that such a sensitive PCR test “would potentially detect someone 35 days post-infection who is fully recovered and cause that person to have to enter isolation. That’s crazy and it’s not science-based, it’s not medicine-based and it’s not public health-oriented.”21
While the FDA has issued a warning not to use the Curative spit test on asymptomatic people, Florida has dismissed the warning and will continue to use the test on symptomatic and asymptomatic individuals alike. Only Miami-Dade County is reconsidering how it is using the test, although a definitive decision has yet to be announced.22
The Lower the CT, the Greater the Accuracy

While the FDA claims high sensitivity (meaning higher CT) is required to ensure we don’t end up with asymptomatic spreaders in our communities, as reviewed above, this risk is exceedingly small. We really need to stop panicking about the possibility of healthy people killing others. It’s not a sane trend, as detailed in “The World Is Suffering from Mass Delusional Psychosis.”
According to an April 2020 study23 in the European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, to get 100% confirmed real positives, the PCR test must be run at just 17 cycles. Above 17 cycles, accuracy drops dramatically.

By the time you get to 33 cycles, the accuracy rate is a mere 20%, meaning 80% are false positives. Beyond 34 cycles, your chance of a positive PCR test being a true positive shrinks to zero.
Similarly, a December 3, 2020, systematic review24 published in the journal of Clinical Infectious Diseases, which assessed the findings of 29 different studies, found that “CT values were significantly lower … in specimens producing live virus culture.” In other words, the higher the CT, the lower the chance of a positive test actually being due to the presence of live (and infectious) virus.

“Two studies reported the odds of live virus culture reduced by approximately 33% for every one unit increase in CT,” the authors noted. Importantly, five of the studies included were unable to identify any live viruses in cases where a positive PCR test had used a CT above 24.
In cases where a CT above 35 was used, the patient had to be symptomatic in order to obtain a live virus culture. This again confirms that PCR with a CT over 35 really shouldn’t be used on asymptomatic people, as any positive result is likely to be meaningless and simply force them into isolation for no reason.
PCR Testing Based on Erroneous Paper

In closing, the whole premise of PCR testing to diagnose COVID-19 is in serious question, as the practice appears to be based on an erroneous paper that didn’t even undergo peer-review before being implemented worldwide.
November 30, 2020, a team of 22 international scientists published a review25 challenging the scientific paper26 on PCR testing for SARS-CoV-2 written by Christian Drosten, Ph.D., and Victor Corman (the so-called “Corman-Drosten paper”).
According to Reiner Fuellmich,27 founding member of the German Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee mentioned at the beginning of this article, Drosten is a key culprit in the COVID-19 pandemic hoax.
The scientists demand the Corman-Drosten paper be retracted due to “fatal errors,”28 one of which is the fact that it was written, and the test itself developed, before any viral isolate was available. The test is simply based on a partial genetic sequence published online by Chinese scientists in January 2020. In an Undercover DC interview, Kevin Corbett, Ph.D., one of the 22 scientists who are now demanding the paper’s retraction, stated:29

“Every scientific rationale for the development of that test has been totally destroyed by this paper … When Drosten developed the test, China hadn’t given them a viral isolate. They developed the test from a sequence in a gene bank. Do you see? China gave them a genetic sequence with no corresponding viral isolate.
They had a code, but no body for the code. No viral morphology … the bits of the virus sequence that weren’t there they made up. They synthetically created them to fill in the blanks …
There are 10 fatal errors in this Drosten test paper … But here is the bottom line: There was no viral isolate to validate what they were doing. The PCR products of the amplification didn’t correspond to any viral isolate at that time. I call it ‘donut ring science.’ There is nothing at the center of it. It’s all about code, genetics, nothing to do with reality …
There have since been papers saying they’ve produced viral isolates. But there are no controls for them. The CDC produced a paper in July … where they said: ‘Here’s the viral isolate.’ Do you know what they did? They swabbed one person. One person, who’d been to China and had cold symptoms. One person. And they assumed he had [COVID-19] to begin with. So, it’s all full of holes, the whole thing.”

The critique against PCR testing is further strengthened by the November 20, 2020, study30 in Nature Communications, which found no viable virus in any PCR-positive cases. I referenced this study earlier, noting that not a single person who had been in close contact with an asymptomatic individual ended up testing positive.
But that’s not all. After evaluating PCR testing data from 9,899,828 people, and conducting additional live cultures to check for active infections in those who tested positive, using a CT of 37 or lower, they were unable to detect live virus in any of them, which is a rather astonishing finding.
On the whole, it seems clear that mass testing using PCR is inappropriate, and does very little if anything to keep the population safe. Its primary result is simply the perpetuation of the false idea that healthy, noninfectious people can pose a mortal threat to others, and that we must avoid social interactions. It’s a delusional idea that is wreaking havoc on the global psyche, and it’s time to put an end to this unhealthy, unscientific way of life.


Thyme Extract Helps Treat COVID-19

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro made the news when he began promoting Carvativir, an oral solution made from extracts of thyme and oregano, for the treatment of COVID-19.1 Long before placebo-controlled, randomized studies were the gold standard for clinical trials, people relied on results from small groups of people.
If a traditional medicine had positive results in a community, it was used. Without statistical analysis or comparing p-values, people had to rely on the proximate results. This meant a traditional medicine that was only nominally better than doing nothing may not have been adopted by indigenous people as the effects would not have been as obvious.
Through testing and experimentation, this served communities well in treating infections and other health conditions where treatment success could be measured quickly, such as using ginger for an upset stomach. One such traditional medicine is wild thyme (Thymus serpyllum), long used in the treatment of respiratory and digestive issues.2
Many of the benefits of thyme are from the essential oils made from Thymus vulgaris,3 which include potent compounds like thymol, camphene, linalool, and carvacrol. Thymol is the most active constituent of thyme essential oil. Levels can vary depending on the climate, extraction method and production practice, ranging from 3% to 80%.4
While thyme has a long history in traditional medicine, more recent scientific analysis and clinical studies have demonstrated another powerful effect the essential oil has on health.
Venezuela Reports Encouraging Results Using Carvativir

Reuters wrote that Maduro “is promoting a “miracle” medication derived from thyme called Carvativir that he said neutralizes COVID-19 with no side effects, although some doctors say it is not backed by science.”5 According to the report, Maduro said the solution was tested on people who were being treated at emergency medical facilities and at a Caracas hospital.
During a televised broadcast, he claimed Carvativir had been through nine months of study and clinical application on people who had been “very sick” and “intubated,” yet had subsequently recovered.
In another statement, Venezuela’s National Academy of Medicine confirmed the solution has therapeutic potential against coronavirus, but cautions it may be prudent to “wait for more data from the Carvativir tests … to consider it a candidate for an anti-COVID-19 medication.”6
While doctors have also acknowledged that thyme essential oils have been used for centuries on infections but have not been established against COVID-19, Venezuelan scientists, including Hector Rangel, a virologist who led studies on COVID-19 vaccines, assured the media that Carvativir has demonstrated activity against cells infected with SARS-CoV-2 in vitro.7
Maduro has promised studies will be published demonstrating Carvativir’s effectiveness. Due to the “tremendous controversy” generated over his initial comments, he now calls the medication “complementary” in the treatment against COVID-19.8
Headlines and Media Outlets May Not Tell the Whole Story

It becomes difficult to isolate evidence and data when headlines and articles are not impartial, such as “A Traditional Herb Created By Catholic Holy Doctors Criticized By World Health Experts”9 and “Doctors Skeptical As Venezuela’s Maduro Touts Coronavirus ‘Miracle’ Drug.”10 Instead of preparing arguments based on data, the media appear to be crafting their own narrative.
This has recent historical precedent when the fight over using hydroxychloroquine in the treatment of COVID-19 was highly politicized and covered by the media, in a role that can be likened to genocide.
It’s impossible to estimate how many lives may have been saved had journalists done their due diligence and reported on the science truthfully as opposed to taking their lead from businesses that spend the most on advertising, namely drug companies.
Carvativir may or may not be effective or complementary in the treatment of COVID-19, yet before the data can be released, the drug is labeled as quackery. As most in the holistic field have been aware, there is an undercurrent of censorship used to mislead people that ultimately lines the pockets of the pharmaceutical industry.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, many conventional doctors have also gotten a taste of what it’s like to have potentially life-saving treatments censored. July 23, 2020,11 Dr. Harvey A. Risch, professor of epidemiology at Yale School of Public Health, published an op-ed in Newsweek in which he expressed his dismay and frustration on this topic as it pertains to hydroxychloroquine.12

“I have authored over 300 peer-reviewed publications and currently hold senior positions on the editorial boards of several leading journals.

I am usually accustomed to advocating for positions within the mainstream of medicine, so have been flummoxed to find that, in the midst of a crisis, I am fighting for a treatment that the data fully support but which, for reasons having nothing to do with a correct understanding of the science, has been pushed to the sidelines.

As a result, tens of thousands of patients with COVID-19 are dying unnecessarily … I am referring, of course, to the medication hydroxychloroquine.

When this inexpensive oral medication is given very early in the course of illness, before the virus has had time to multiply beyond control, it has shown to be highly effective, especially when given in combination with the antibiotics azithromycin or doxycycline and the nutritional supplement zinc.

Physicians who have been using these medications in the face of widespread skepticism have been truly heroic. They have done what the science shows is best for their patients, often at great personal risk.

I myself know of two doctors who have saved the lives of hundreds of patients with these medications but are now fighting state medical boards to save their licenses and reputations. The cases against them are completely without scientific merit.”

Thyme Has Demonstrated Antiviral Activity

The Venezuelan Minister for Science and Technology, Gabriela Jiménez, confirmed that the active ingredient in Carvativir is isothymol isolated from oregano and thyme.13 While the essential oils from thyme have not been scientifically proven against COVID-19, there is scientific evidence they have antiviral and antibacterial properties.
Historically, thyme has been used to help control cough associated with upper respiratory infection. One tested combination14 used with upper respiratory infections is thyme and primrose in combination with thymol, which was shown to alleviate cough and shortness of breath and to shorten the length of the infection.
Evidence has also shown thyme is active against herpes15 and other viruses, likely by interfering with the protein envelope that surrounds virulent viruses, such as SARS-CoV-2. One study16 published in 2017 showed thymol was highly selective and a promising candidate against herpes infections.
Research from the University of Ahvaz17 showed extracts from thyme provided protection against the Newcastle virus that causes illness and death in birds and is transmissible to humans. Another analysis18 showed essential oil from Thymus transcaspicus, a variety of thyme, had moderate antimicrobial and antiviral activity.
Thyme has also been evaluated against the influenza virus as antiviral resistant strains continue to emerge. Essential oils have been tested in experimental conditions, but one study19 tested essential oils from eucalyptus, Citrus bergamia and Thymus vulgaris in vapor form.
Vaporized essential oils from thyme, among others, displayed 100% inhibitory activity without adverse effects on the epithelial layers, suggesting they could be “potentially useful in influenza therapy.”20
Officials Push Vaccine Over Prevention and Treatment

Carvativir is not the first cost-effective potential treatment to be ridiculed in the media in favor of sitting and waiting until an unproven genetic experiment can be unleashed on the public under the guise of Operation Warp Speed and a COVID-19 vaccine.
While the results on Carvativir are not yet published as of this writing, there are other effective and long-standing preventive measures and treatments for this virus. Although the recently released shot is being called a vaccine, by medical definition it’s more accurately an experimental gene therapy that could prematurely kill many people.
As I discussed in “How COVID ‘Vaccines’ May Destroy the Lives of Millions,” the way in which the messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines are produced may increase the risk of anaphylaxis. Additionally, free mRNA can fuel chronic, long-term inflammatory diseases.
As I also wrote in the article linked above, equally shocking are the personal videos sharing the severe side effects people are experiencing — videos which are quickly removed by social media platforms, ostensibly for violating some term of service. It’s hard to fathom how a personal experience can be considered “false information.”
Whether you choose to take the vaccine or not, it is important to remember that it does not stop you from getting COVID-19 and may not be effective against the virus as it naturally mutates in the environment. It is essential you take steps to protect your overall health and be aware of the strategies you can use to prevent infection and be treated early at home to reduce your risk of severe disease.
Recently, doctors have returned to basic supportive care and treatments and have experienced better survival rates and patient outcomes. As the pandemic has progressed, doctors have also recognized the need for early outpatient treatment in order to halt the progression and lower the risk of severe disease.
Consider These Steps to Reduce Your Risk

One of those outpatient treatments that has been maligned in the media is a combination of hydroxychloroquine and zinc. Hydroxychloroquine acts as a zinc ionophore, helping to move zinc into the cells. Zinc helps prevent the replication of viruses inside the cell, which is why it has had such good results in shortening the common cold.
Evidence has also suggested that people admitted to the hospital with low zinc levels have a higher likelihood of dying from COVID-19.21 Low levels of vitamin D have also been associated with an increased risk of severe COVID-19 disease. Vitamin D optimization may help prevent infection and reduce the risk of severe symptoms.
In June 2020, I launched an information campaign about vitamin D that included a downloadable scientific report detailing the science behind vitamin D. A randomized double-blind study, published December 2020,22 demonstrated that giving critically ill patients with COVID-19 high doses of vitamin D could significantly reduce the number of days they spend in intensive care and reduce their need for ventilation.
A mathematical reanalysis of data from an earlier trial concluded there’s a “strong role for vitamin D in reducing ICU admission of hospitalized COVID-19 patients.”23 Ivermectin is another drug that’s been found to be useful in all stages of the infection. However, the real strength appears to be as a preventive.
As I reported in “Can Ivermectin Help Prevent COVID-19 Deaths?,” two states in India with high population rates are reporting24 the lowest and second-lowest fatality rates in all of India after having added ivermectin to their treatment protocols.
As reported in Trial Site News, health officials in India had recognized urgency in treating and preventing the illness, but, “Such urgency is in short supply in the U.S., where the single-minded focus is on vaccination.”25
Two other treatments for COVID-19 that have shown significant positive results are vitamin C and the MATH+ protocol. As reported in Nutrients, “Vitamin C’s antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulating effects make it a potential therapeutic candidate, both for the prevention and amelioration of COVID-19 infection, and as an adjunctive therapy in the critical care of COVID-19.”26
In response to this landmark review the Alliance for Natural Health launched an international vitamin C campaign.27 Founder and scientific director Rob Verkerk, Ph.D., noted there are several reasons to take supplemental vitamin C:28

Your body cannot make it.
Most people do not get enough from their diet.
Your body’s requirement for vitamin C can increase 10-fold during an infection, disease or physical trauma.

Vitamin C is also a part of the MATH+ protocol developed by the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Working Group (FLCCC). You can read more about this protocol, which has been successfully used to treat COVID-19, in “Quercetin and Vitamin C: Synergistic Therapy for COVID-19.”
Consider These Steps to Take Control of Your Health

My personal choice for treating upper respiratory illnesses, including COVID-19, is nebulized hydrogen peroxide. In the video above I demonstrate how the solution should be mixed and administered for the best results.
It’s a home remedy I recommend everyone familiarize themselves with, as in many cases it can improve symptoms in mere hours. You can also use it as a preventive strategy if you know you’ve been exposed to someone who is ill.
The recent events over the past year have aptly demonstrated how crucial it is for you to take control of your health. In the past year there have been a rising number of suicides,29 drug overdoses30 and mental health conditions,31 many of which may have stemmed from fear. It is important to remember you do not have to be afraid and that fear is what is being used to manipulate your behavior.
Take the time to gather the necessary tools you’ll need to protect your health, reduce your risk of infection and hasten healing if you are infected. Then take a few minutes to share this important information with your friends and family members.
Many of the effective preventive and at-home treatment strategies are not shared by the media, as most are advocating you wait with bated breath for a vaccine. You can improve your health and make a difference in others’ lives.


This ‘Deadly Carrot’ Has Major Antiviral Treatment Potential

Researchers from the University of Nottingham revealed an experimental cancer drug showed promising lab results against viral infections, and specifically against COVID-19.1
News about how to control or combat the SARS-CoV-2 virus has overtaken media outlets and public debate, to the detriment of addressing other public health issues. For example, during 2020 the rates of suicides,2 especially among young people, and drug overdoses3 have risen dramatically.
Recently, one focus is on debunking potential treatments that are not developed or manufactured by the pharmaceutical industry and encouraging the public to keep their eye squarely on the COVID-19 vaccine. News stories abound about where to get the vaccine, when and where the drug is being shipped and assurances that the side effects are minimal.
Recent research published in Viruses,4 however, revealed the drug thapsigargin may have broad-spectrum antiviral activity, including against coronaviruses like SARS-CoV-2.
Experimental Cancer Pill Shows Antiviral Activity

In a press release,5 the researchers stressed the significance of improving the clinical management of a variety of viruses since clinical presentation is often indistinguishable.
The lab results demonstrated thapsigargin was highly effective against SARS-CoV-2 as well as respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), influenza A and the common cold coronavirus OC43. During the study, the researchers found that thapsigargin’s “performance was significantly better than remdesivir and ribavirin in their respective inhibition of OC43 and RSV.”6
In the same study, researchers tested thapsigargin in mice against a lethal influenza strain. It appeared to protect the animals during the challenge and had the ability to inhibit “different viruses before or during active infection.”7 The researchers concluded thapsigargin or its derivatives are a promising inhibitor of the viruses tested.
Thapsigargin is derived from the “deadly carrot” thapsia plant,8 also known as villous deadly carrot.9 The drug has previously been tested against prostate cancer and the scientists found that in small doses it had antiviral properties.
In the press release,10 the researcher listed some of the key features from other cell and animal studies they believe make thapsigargin a promising antiviral option. This included effectiveness when it was used preventively or during an active infection, stability in an acidic pH so it could be administered orally and greater effectiveness than current antiviral pharmaceutical options.
Another of the benefits the researchers believe thapsigargin has compared to other antiviral medications is that the viruses tested didn’t appear to develop a resistance to the compound’s actions.
Thapsigargin appeared to trigger an effective immune response in the body as opposed to fighting the virus directly. These responses help disrupt viral replication and mean the drug is potentially valuable against mutant strains since effectiveness is not dependent on direct interaction with the virus. Kin-Chow Chang, Ph.D., a scientist on the research team, is quoted in the Daily Mail saying:11

“Given that future pandemics are likely to be of animal origin, where animal to human (zoonotic) and reverse zoonotic (human to animal) spread take place, a new generation of antivirals, such as thapsigargin, could play a key role in the control and treatment of important viral infections in both humans and animals.”

When considering the financial end of it, the Daily Mail12 reports that thapsigargin could be expensive, as it costs $104 per 1 milligram (mg) dose when used in experimental research. However, the cost may be reduced if it were brought into full production, which would be necessary for the drug to have wide application, as it was estimated doses may range from 200 mg to 800 mg as a flu antiviral.
Early Administration of Zinc Reduces Viral Replication

Your immune system is the first line of defense against all disease, especially infectious diseases. One nutrient that plays an important role is zinc, which has been shown to reduce the severity and duration of infections caused by viruses such as those that cause the common cold.13 Data have suggested that those with low levels of zinc are more likely to die from COVID-19 than those who have higher levels.14
Zinc appears to be the key ingredient in treatment protocols using hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), a known zinc ionophore.15,16 This means that HCQ helps your cells absorb more zinc and, once inside, zinc prevents viral replication.
This is also why treatment with zinc and zinc ionophores works best when taken early in the illness or as a prophylactic. Other zinc ionophores include quercetin and epigallocatechin-gallate (EGCG), which is found in tea.17
Support for the use of quercetin against COVID-19 has also been reported by the Green Stars Project.18 Using a supercomputer, researchers looked for molecules capable of inhibiting the COVID-19 spike protein from interacting with human cells. Quercetin is fifth on the list.19
Physicians, such as French prize-winning microbiologist and infectious disease expert Didier Raoult, report using hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19. Raoult reports a combination of HCQ and azithromycin in the early months of the pandemic led to the recovery and nondetection of SARS-CoV-2 in 91.7% of 1,061 patients within 10 days.20
A now infamous study published in The Lancet in May 2020,21 which has since been retracted, sought to smear the use of the cost-effective and time-tested drug HCQ. They declared that HCQ used alone or with a macrolide antibiotic like azithromycin was associated with a reduction in survival and an increase in ventricular arrhythmias.
But, when scientists took a closer look at the results, they discovered the integrity of the data collection was suspect, for example, the study included administering doses of the drug that were 100 times higher than FDA recommendations.22
Financial Incentives Driving Treatment Protocols

As doctors began speaking out about using hydroxychloroquine in combination with zinc and azithromycin in their practice, state medical licensing boards and congressional representatives began issuing threats.23 Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, a New York physician who successfully treated his patients with the hydroxychloroquine trio, characterized the fiasco in an interview with Del Bigtree from The Highwire, saying:24

“My personal opinion … anyone who got in the way of access to care, who got in the way of access to medication, committed crimes against humanity and are guilty of mass murder.”

One of the most obvious reasons why certain individuals and companies might want to prevent the use of an inexpensive generic drug such as HCQ is because it might eliminate the need for a vaccine or the development of antiviral medication.25 Hundreds of millions of dollars have been invested, and drug companies were, and still are, counting on a massive payday.
A paper recently published in The American Journal of Medicine by a team of scientists illustrated the pathophysiological basis and rationale for using HCQ and zinc.26 It is important to remember that while HCQ may have been politically vilified, the drug has been in use since the mid-1940s with a known side-effect history including nausea, vomiting, cramps or diarrhea27 that may happen in the first few days and disappear.
Less commonly, people may get tired, feel weak or have a headache, which again typically disappears with use. The CDC published a short list of the expected side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine including local pain, swelling and redness and flu symptoms such as chills, tiredness and headache.28
However, as I’ve recently written in “Side Effects and Data Gaps Raise Questions on COVID Vaccine,” it has also triggered anaphylactic reactions, chronic seizures and sudden death within hours or days (although health authorities deny there is any causal connection between the vaccine and the deaths).
The CDC reported that by December 18, 2020, of the 112,807 who had received the first dose, 3,150 had suffered one or more “health impact events,” defined as being “unable to perform normal daily activities, unable to work, required care from doctor or health care professional.”29 This definition likely does not include local pain and swelling or chills and headache.
These Strategies Help Reduce Your Risk of Viral Infection

While new antivirals like thapsigargin continue to be studied, you have several options to help protect yourself from viruses and treat them if you should get infected. Consider the following strategies you can implement at home.

Supplement with vitamin D — Data from patients with confirmed COVID-19 infections have shown those with low levels of vitamin D have an increased risk of getting infected30 and experiencing a severe disease.31
In December 2020, a randomized, double-blind study32 demonstrated when critically ill patients with confirmed COVID-19 were given high doses of vitamin D it could significantly lower the number of days they spent in the intensive care unit and could reduce the need for ventilation.
A team of researchers did a mathematical reanalysis of raw data from an earlier trial and concluded there is a “strong role for vitamin D in reducing ICU admission of hospitalized COVID-19 patients.”33
Past research has also demonstrated that “vitamin D supplementation can help protect against acute respiratory infections.”34 In the study,35 the investigators found that while all participants benefited from supplementation, those with a significant deficiency gained the most.

Support your overall immune function — Vitamin D also plays a significant role in supporting your overall immune system. Additional strategies you can use include getting enough quality sleep, staying hydrated, reducing stress levels, eating whole food and optimizing your gut microbiome.

Get adequate vitamin C — As reported in a landmark review published in Nutrients, “Vitamin C’s antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulating effects make it a potential therapeutic candidate, both for the prevention and amelioration of COVID-19 infection, and as an adjunctive therapy in the critical care of COVID-19.”36
Yet as Dr. Andrew Saul, editor-in-chief of the Orthomolecular Medicine news service, presented at the Japanese Society for Orthomolecular Medicine,37 the importance of using vitamin C for disease treatment, including COVID-19, is being widely silenced using organized censorship.
Many health authorities and mainstream media have ignored, if not outright opposed, the use of vitamin C and other supplements in the treatment of COVID-19. However, the review published in Nutrients supports the use of vitamin C. As the scientists noted, vitamin C has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiviral and antithrombotic properties.
In response to this review the Alliance for Natural Health launched an international vitamin C campaign. Founder and scientific director Rob Verkerk, Ph.D., noted there are several reasons to take supplemental vitamin C:38

Your body cannot make it.
Most people do not get enough from their diet.
Your body’s requirement for vitamin C can increase 10-fold during an infection, disease or physical trauma.

Take hydroxychloroquine, if your doctor will prescribe it, and zinc — This is another low-cost treatment that’s been maligned in the media but has proven effective in physician practices and studies. Hydroxychloroquine acts as a zinc ionophore,39 helping to move zinc into the cells where it can prevent the replication of viruses.
This is why it has such good results in shortening the common cold. As mentioned above, data from Raoult showed the combination with azithromycin led to the recovery of 91.7% of his patients within 10 days.40 Similar preventive and treatment benefits are available at home using quercetin and zinc, which you can read more about in “How to Improve Zinc Uptake with Quercetin.”

Ivermectin — As I discussed in “Can Ivermectin Help Prevent COVID-19 Deaths?” two states in India with high population rates are reporting41 the lowest and second-lowest fatality rates in all of India after having added ivermectin to their treatment protocols.
Clinical trials42 are underway to investigate the effectiveness demonstrated by the reduction in illness in India. One in-vitro study published in Antiviral Research43 showed a single treatment produced a 5,000-fold reduction in viral load measured at 48 hours in cell culture.

Nebulized hydrogen peroxide — My personal choice for treating upper respiratory illnesses, including COVID-19, is nebulized hydrogen peroxide. It’s a home remedy I recommend everyone familiarize themselves with, as in many cases it can improve symptoms in mere hours.
You can also use it as a preventive strategy if you know you’ve been exposed to someone who is ill. The recent events over the past year have aptly demonstrated how crucial it is for you to take control of your health. To read more about nebulized hydrogen peroxide and watch an interview with Dr. David Brownstein, see “How Nebulized Peroxide Helps Against Respiratory Infections.”


The World Is Suffering From Mass Delusional Psychosis

A number of mental health experts have expressed concern over the blatant fear and panic mongering during the COVID-19 pandemic, warning about potential — and let’s face it, likely — psychiatric effects. In a December 22, 2020, article1 in Evie Magazine, S.G. Cheah discusses what may in fact be the real problem at hand: mass insanity caused by “delusional fear of COVID-19.”
Cheah refers to lectures and articles by psychiatrist and medical legal expert Dr. Mark McDonald,2 who believes “the true public health crisis lies in the widespread fear which morphed and evolved into a form of mass delusional psychosis.”

“Even when the statistics point to the extremely low fatality rate among children and young adults (measuring 0.002% at age 10 and 0.01% at 25), the young and the healthy are still terrorized by the chokehold of irrational fear when faced with the coronavirus,” Cheah writes.

Infectious Hysteria

Cheah goes on to review a number of irrational behaviors that have become all too commonplace, such as parents being kicked off planes because their young children refuse to wear a mask during the flight, or people having hysterical meltdowns when they see a person not wearing a mask.
The science3 is quite clear about the risk posed by asymptomatic individuals, meaning anyone who feels perfectly healthy yet may have tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 with a PCR test set to an excessively high cycle threshold. They pose an exceptionally low risk to others, if any risk at all. Science is even clearer on healthy individuals who test negative for SARS-CoV-2. You simply cannot spread a virus you do not have.
The bulk of published science4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 also shows that masks do not prevent the spread of viral infections, and this is particularly true if you’re wearing cloth masks,12 surgical masks or masks with vents.
Despite all of that, many still enter a state of hysteria when they see an unmasked person, even if they look perfectly healthy and clearly are not suffering from any kind of respiratory issue. This is a highly irrational state that has no basis in reality.

Indeed, according to McDonald, these people are suffering from delusional psychosis,13 and there are a lot of them. He goes so far as to refer to the outside of his home or office as the “outdoor insane asylum,” where he must assume “that any person that I run into is insane” unless they prove otherwise.14
As explained by Cheah:15

“Instead of facing reality, the delusional person would rather live in their world of make-believe. But in order to keep faking reality, they’ll have to make sure that everyone else around them also pretends to live in their imaginary world.
In simpler words, the delusional person rejects reality. And in this rejection of reality, others have to play along with how they view the world, otherwise, their world will not make sense to them. It’s why the delusional person will get angry when they face someone who doesn’t conform to their world view …
It’s one of the reasons why you’re seeing so many people who’d happily approve the silencing of any medical experts whose views contradict the WHO or CDC guidelines. ‘Obey the rules!’ becomes more important than questioning if the rules were legitimate to begin with.”

In his interview with Jesse Lee Peterson (video above), McDonald explains his diagnosis this way:

“There was never a medical crisis. There were always enough resources to deal with the people who were sick … Many resources were in fact turned away … The question then, for me, became, ‘What’s the real crisis? What are people really suffering from?’
It became clear to me, very quickly, within the first two or three weeks in March [2020], that it was fear. Since then … the fear … has morphed and evolved, not just into a ‘I’m worried, I’m scared so I need to stay home,’ but an actual belief that is against reality — because the definition of delusion is something you believe that doesn’t conform with reality.
They believe that they are going to die — no matter what age, no matter what state of health they’re in — if they don’t leave their house with a mask and gloves on every day and run from [other] human beings. That’s delusional psychosis. It’s false, it’s wrong, it’s not backed up by evidence. And many, many Americans are living that and believing that.”

While there’s no data to back this up, McDonald says it appears women tend to be more prone to delusional psychosis than men. Part of it, he suggests, may be because when women get scared, they tend to become more hyperprotective than men do under the same circumstances, likely because women — speaking in pure generalizing terms, of course — tend to be more emotionally driven.
Mass Delusional Psychosis Traumatizes Children

McDonald is particularly concerned with the lasting effects this widespread insanity will have on children as they grow up. As a psychiatrist specializing in the treatment of children and adolescents, he should know. Since the lockdowns began in the first quarter of 2020, he’s seen a massive increase in patients, and their mental states are far worse than what he’s used to seeing in these age groups.
One of the worst traumas children suffer as a result of all this fearmongering is the idea that they may kill their parents or grandparents simply by being around them. As noted by Cheah, they’re also being taught to feel guilty about behaviors that would normally be completely, well, normal.
As just one example, hysterical adults calling a toddler who refuses to wear a mask a “brat,” when in fact resisting having a restrictive mask put across your face is perfectly normal at that age.
“It’s not normal for children to grow up thinking that everyone is a danger to everyone else,” Cheah says, and rightly so. It’s not normal at all, and hysterical adults are mindlessly inflicting severe emotional trauma on an entire generation.
As noted by McDonald in his interview with Peterson above, a primary cause of depression, especially among youngsters, is disconnection from others. We need face-to-face contact, we need physical contact as well as emotional intimacy. We need these things to feel safe around others and within our own selves. Digital interactions simply cannot replace these most basic human needs, and are inherently separating rather than connective.
McDonald cites recent CDC statistics showing there’s been a 400% increase in adolescent depression compared to one year ago, and in 25% of cases, they’ve contemplated suicide. These are unheard of statistics, he says. Never before have so many teenagers considered committing suicide.
“This is a mass-casualty event,” McDonald says, and parents — adults — are to blame, because they are the ones scaring them to the point they don’t feel life is worth living anymore.
This is also why just treating the children is not going to be effective enough. We have to address the psychosis of the adult population. “It’s up to us adults to fix this,” McDonald says, “because children are not going to be able to fix this themselves.”
Delusional People Ultimately Require Controlled Environments

We must also address the mass delusion for another reason, and that is because it’s driving us all, sane and insane alike, toward a society devoid of all previous freedoms and civil liberties, and the corrupt individuals in charge will not voluntarily relinquish power once we’ve given it to them.
A totalitarian society, McDonald believes, is the ultimate end of this societal psychosis unless we do something about it and realize that “we’re fine, we’re perfectly safe.” Indeed, we’re in no more danger now than we were pre-COVID. We must not allow our freedoms to be taken from us due to delusional fears. As noted by Cheah in her article:16

“It’s not unthinkable that the final outcome would be total societal control on every aspect of your life. Consider this — the endpoint of a mentally ill person is for them to be put under a controlled environment (institutionalized like an asylum) where all freedoms are restricted. And it’s looking more and more like that’s the endpoint of where this mass psychosis is heading.”

A December 18, 2020, Tweet by political commentator Candace Owens also sums up how irrational fear and panic have figuratively lobotomized a significant portion of the public:

McDonald points out that many of our leaders obviously do not suffer these same delusional fears. They issue stay-at-home orders from their vacation homes in the Caribbean and repeatedly break their own mask and lockdown mandates. They ride their bikes, stroll through the park, have family gatherings and dine out without a care. They know COVID-19 isn’t the deadly plague it’s been made out to be, but they’re playing the game because it benefits them.
Fear Is Never Virtuous

The video above features a short lecture McDonald gave during America’s Frontline Doctors’ White Coat Summit 217 in mid-October 2020, titled “The Way Forward: Overcoming Fear.”
In it, he points out that not only has fear morphed into a delusional belief that masks, gloves and physical separation is required to stay alive, but fear has also been turned into a virtue, which is doubly tragic and wrong.
Wearing a mask has become a way to demonstrate that you’re a “good person,” someone who obviously cares about others, whereas not wearing a mask brands you as an inconsiderate lout, if not a prospective mass murderer, simply by breathing.
Healthy people should never wear masks, social distance or self-isolate. Not only are these strategies unhealthy from a physical standpoint, they also perpetuate the delusional psychosis gripping the nation and therefore must end.
By encouraging us to remain in fear, to burrow and settle into it and allow it to control and constrain our lives, the fear has become so entrenched that anyone who says we need to be fearless and fight for our freedoms is attacked for being not only stupid but also dangerous. “I would argue that it’s the opposite,” McDonald says.
The problem we now face is that the delusion has taken such hold that even if the mask mandates ended nationwide today, many would refuse to give up their masks, and they would not stop chastising those who don’t wear them, either. What’s more, we now have private companies pushing these freedom-robbing edicts, refusing services to those who don’t wear masks.
Soon, you won’t be allowed into certain venues if you don’t have the COVID-19 vaccine as well, and private corporations are the ones instigating those unconstitutional rules. If you understand the technocratic agenda, then you know why that is. It’s because many private companies are part of the global technocratic alliance that is trying to eliminate our freedoms in order to enrich themselves.

“We started out with fear and hysteria. We moved to delusional psychosis, and now we have group control,” McDonald says. “Now we don’t have police officers and government coming after us. What we have more of is our fellow citizens now castigating us, legally limiting us from getting into vehicles [such as Uber or plane], going into businesses [and] getting jobs.”

Restoring Sanity as We Move Forward
Essentially, citizens are now acting as a de facto “police force” to suppress other people’s freedom, and this has a terribly harmful effect on society. So, how do we get out of the proverbial insane asylum? How do we restore sanity to our society while still helping those who are at greatest risk for complications and death from COVID-19? McDonald offers the following suggestions in his lecture and the featured interview:

• We must firmly reject masks as a virtue signal; the idea that action taken out of fear — such as donning a mask — is virtuous. Fear is not helpful and never virtuous.
• We should protect those at greatest risk — meaning elderly, frail individuals with comorbidities and those who are in poor health — using simple, inexpensive and readily available prophylactics, including vitamin D, hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin and zinc.
• Healthy people should never wear masks, social distance or self-isolate. Not only are these strategies unhealthy from a physical standpoint, they also perpetuate the delusional psychosis gripping the nation and therefore must end.
• We must embrace courage, truth, honesty and freedom, not just in our thoughts and words but also in our actions. As noted by McDonald in the featured interview, people cannot think logically when in a state of delusional psychosis, hence sharing information, facts, data and evidence tends to be ineffective except in cases where the person was acting out of peer pressure rather than a delusional belief.

Typically, the best you can do is stand firm and act in alignment with truth and objective reality, much like you would if you were a first responder faced with an accident victim who is responding hysterically to what you know is only a minor injury.


Health Officials Make Crucial Error in Vaccine Recommendation

Your immune system is designed to work in response to exposure to an infectious agent. Upon recovery, you’re typically immune to that infectious agent. In the case of COVID-19, however, public health officials have been reluctant to suggest that those who have recovered are now immune — and therefore have no need for a COVID-19 vaccine.
Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky., is among those who had COVID-19 and recovered. As a scientist, he looked into whether he should still get a COVID-19 vaccine, uncovering research that showed vaccination offered no benefit to those who have previously been infected. “The controversy began,” according to Sharyl Attkisson’s Full Measure report, “when Massie noticed the CDC was claiming the exact opposite.”1
CDC Report ‘Wrong’ About Vaccine’s Effectiveness

In a high-profile report issued by the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, 15 scientists stated that the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine had “consistent high efficacy” of 92% or more among people with evidence of previous SARS-CoV-2 infection.2
But according to Massie, “That sentence is wrong. There is no efficacy demonstrated in the Pfizer trial among participants with evidence of previous SARS-CoV-2 infections and actually there’s no proof in the Moderna trial either.”3 In France, the health body la Haute Autorité de Santé (HAS) does not recommend routinely vaccinating those who have already recovered from COVID-19, stating:4

“At this stage, there is no need to systematically vaccinate people who have already developed a symptomatic form of Covid-19 unless they wish to do so following a decision shared with the doctor and within a minimum period of time. 3 months from the onset of symptoms.”

Yet, the CDC suggests everyone who’s had COVID-19 should still get vaccinated: “Due to the severe health risks associated with COVID-19 and the fact that reinfection with COVID-19 is possible, vaccine should be offered to you regardless of whether you already had COVID-19 infection.”5
CDC Notified of Error, Doesn’t Fix It

When Massie realized that vaccination didn’t change the risk of infection among people who’ve had COVID-19, he was alarmed and contacted the CDC directly, recording his calls. “It [the CDC report] says the exact opposite of what the data says. They’re giving people the impression that this vaccine will save your life, or save you from suffering, even if you’ve already had the virus and recovered, which has not been demonstrated in either the Pfizer or the Moderna trial.”6
Massie first spoke with Dr. Amanda Cohn, the lead for the vaccine planning unit of the CDC’s COVID-19 response.7 On December 16, she told Massie, “People who have had disease, given that there’s limited doses right now, we’re, we are suggesting that those people wait.”8
Cohn also thanked Massie for bringing it to her attention that their claim that vaccines are effective in people who’ve previously had COVID-19 is a mistake, and implied that it would be fixed. Cohn said:9

“I think we read that thing so many times that when, you know, we just skipped right over it. We know we can’t be perfect, we know we’re gonna miss things. You will forever after be known in our office as ‘Eagle-Eyed Man.’”

Two days later, however, Cohn told medical professionals in an online session that people with prior infection are likely to benefit from vaccination. A month after that, the false information remained on the CDC’s website, Massie, said, prompting another call.
This time, Massie spoke with the CDC’s Washington, D.C., director Anstice Brand, who talked in circles. “So I called them up on Tuesday, as soon as I could, to ask them why it hadn’t been fixed,” Massie told Attkisson. “And it was like, I was starting all over with the same people. And instead of fixing it, they proposed repeating it and just phrasing their mistake differently.”10
Massie also spoke with CDC scientist Dr. Sara Oliver, who was part of the online session that gave out misinformation to medical professionals and is also an author of the flawed CDC report. He said, “There was an error and I noticed you are an author on it and I wondered if I could get your help in getting this error corrected. You can’t say it’s efficacious for people with prior infection. That’s an absolutely untrue sentence.”
Oliver responded, “Yeah, I mean, we’re — we’re still recommending that individuals who have prior infection receive the vaccine.” When he pushed further, she said, “Okay. I — I can, um, I can talk with MMWR, and with Dr. Cohn and see, if, if we can tweak that language a little bit.”11
CDC ‘Lying About the Efficacy of the Vaccine’

It wasn’t until Massie’s final call with the CDC, to deputy director Anne Schuchat, that it was acknowledged that a correction was necessary. “As you note correctly, there is not sufficient analysis to show that in the subset of only the people with prior infection, there’s efficacy. So, you’re correct that that sentence is wrong and that we need to make a correction of it. I apologize for the delay,” Schuchat said. January 29, 2021, the CDC did finally issue a correction, which reads:12

“Consistent high efficacy (?92%) was observed across age, sex, race, and ethnicity categories and among persons with underlying medical conditions. Efficacy was similarly high in a secondary analysis including participants both with or without evidence of previous SARS-CoV-2 infection.”

Instead of fixing the error, Massie believes the wording still misleadingly suggests vaccination is effective for those previously infected.
He told Attkisson, “[I]nstead of fixing it, they proposed repeating it and just phrasing their mistake differently. So, at that point, right now I consider it a lie. I think the CDC is lying about the efficacy of the vaccine based on the Pfizer trials, for those who have already had the coronavirus.” Full Measure asked Oliver, Cohn and the CDC for interviews, but they declined the request.13
More Intense Reactions, Single Doses Suggested

Additional research into vaccination of individuals who already had COVID-19 revealed that the antibody response to the first vaccine dose is equal to or exceeds titers from those who were not previously infected but received two doses.
“Changing the policy to give these individuals only one dose of vaccine would not negatively impact on their antibody titers, spare them from unnecessary pain and free up many urgently needed vaccine doses,” researchers wrote in a preprint study.14 Side effects, including fatigue, headaches, fever, muscle and joint pain and chills, were also more common among those who had been infected before.15
A second study also suggested that the antibody response to a single dose of COVID-19 vaccine among health care workers previously infected was comparable to that among people who hadn’t been previously infected and received two doses.16 They concluded that those who have already had COVID-19 are not a “priority” for vaccination:

“In times of vaccine shortage, and until correlates of protection are identified, our findings preliminarily suggest the following strategy as more evidence-based: a) a single dose of vaccine for patients already having had laboratory-confirmed COVID-19; and b) patients who have had laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 can be placed lower on the vaccination priority list.”

Does Recovery From COVID-19 Provide Immunity?

If you’ve had COVID-19, you have some level of immunity against the virus. It’s unknown how long it lasts, just as it’s unknown how long protection from the vaccine lasts. According to the Public Health Agency of Sweden:17

“If you have had COVID-19, you have some protection against reinfection. This means that you are less likely to become infected and seriously ill, and less likely to infect others if you are exposed to the virus again.

Over time, the protection that you get after an infection wanes and there is an increased risk of getting infected again. At present, we estimate that the protection after having had COVID-19 lasts at least six months from the time of infection.”

As for the vaccine, Dr. Meryl Nass suggests the protection it provides will be inferior to that acquired via natural infection:

“No one knows how long immunity lasts, if in fact the vaccines do provide some degree of immunity. (Should it be called immunity if you can still catch and spread the virus?)

For every known vaccine, the immunity it provides is less robust and long-lasting than the immunity obtained from having had the infection. People who have had COVID really have no business getting vaccinated — they get all the risk and none of the benefit. It is said that Israelis who had COVID are not being vaccinated.”18

WHO Changed Definition of Herd Immunity
Many have wondered if vaccination would even be necessary if widespread herd immunity were achieved naturally. Your immune system isn’t designed to get vaccines. It’s designed to work in response to exposure to an infectious agent. But apparently, according to WHO, that’s no longer the case.
In June 2020, WHO’s definition of herd immunity, posted on one of their COVID-19 Q&A pages, was in line with the widely accepted concept that has been the standard for infectious diseases for decades. Here’s what it originally said, courtesy of the Internet Archive’s Wayback machine:19

“Herd immunity is the indirect protection from an infectious disease that happens when a population is immune either through vaccination or immunity developed through previous infection.”

In October 2020, here’s their updated definition of herd immunity, which is now “a concept used for vaccination”:20

“‘Herd immunity’, also known as ‘population immunity’, is a concept used for vaccination, in which a population can be protected from a certain virus if a threshold of vaccination is reached. Herd immunity is achieved by protecting people from a virus, not by exposing them to it.

Vaccines train our immune systems to create proteins that fight disease, known as ‘antibodies’, just as would happen when we are exposed to a disease but — crucially — vaccines work without making us sick. Vaccinated people are protected from getting the disease in question and passing it on, breaking any chains of transmission.”

This perversion of science implies that the only way to achieve herd immunity is via vaccination, which is blatantly untrue. The startling implications for society, however, is that by putting out this false information, they’re attempting to change your perception of what’s true and not true, leaving people believing that they must artificially manipulate their immune systems as the only way to stay safe from infectious disease.
The fact is the COVID-19 vaccine really isn’t a vaccine in the medical definition of a vaccine. It’s more accurately an experimental gene therapy, of which the effectiveness and safety are far from proven.


How COVID-19 ‘Vaccines’ May Destroy the Lives of Millions

Dr. Mercola Interviews the Experts
This article is part of a weekly series in which Dr. Mercola interviews various experts on a variety of health issues. To see more expert interviews, click here.

In April 2020, I interviewed Judy Mikovits, Ph.D., about the potential role played by human gammaretroviruses in COVID-19. Mikovits is a molecular biologist1 and researcher, and was the founding research director of the Whittemore Peterson Institute in Nevada.
Her book, “Plague of Corruption,” ended up being a No. 1 best seller on the lists of The New York Times, USA Today and The Wall Street Journal in 2020. Her new book, “Ending Plague: A Scholar’s Obligation in an Age of Corruption,” will hopefully do just as well. It’s available for preorder on Amazon.

She may be one of the most censored researchers on the planet at this point, thanks in no small part to her participation in the documentary “Plandemic,” which went viral in a big way (
Case in point: YouTube suspended our account for one week as soon as we uploaded today’s interview — even though the video was UNLISTED and not available for public viewing yet. Even worse, Mikovits’ third and most recent book, “The Case Against Masks: Ten Reasons Why Mask Use Should Be Limited,” is so heavily censored, no one can buy it.

“I don’t even have a copy,” she says. “I’m sitting here with two copies of the other books but I can’t even buy it. What the book sellers did, like Amazon, is they bought them all up from Skyhorse, the publisher, and now they won’t ship them out of the warehouse.”

Clearly, Mikovits is considered a serious threat to the technocratic status quo, and once you hear what she has to say about COVID-19 vaccines — which as you’ll see is a complete misnomer — you may start to understand why.
COVID-19 Vaccines Aren’t Real Vaccines

The COVID-19 vaccine really isn’t a vaccine in the medical definition of a vaccine. It does not improve your immune response to the infection, nor does not limit you from getting the infection. It’s really an experimental gene therapy that could prematurely kill large amounts of the population and disable exponentially more.

“I’m just beside myself with anger over this synthetic gene therapy, this chemical poison, and what they’re doing worldwide,” Mikovits says. “We’re already seeing deaths from this shot. It’s illegal. It shouldn’t be done. It should be stopped right now. It should have never been allowed to happen, yet we see it being forced on the most vulnerable populations.”

Indeed, news and social media reports suggest recipients are starting to drop like flies. Many die of unknown causes within days, sometimes hours of getting the first or second shot.
Baseball legend Hank Aaron passed away two weeks after receiving the vaccine, yet this was not ever mentioned in his New York Times obituary. Surely, had he tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, he would have been declared a COVID-19 fatality, whether the virus actually had anything to do with it or not.
But when it comes to the vaccine, even eyebrow-raising timing is dismissed as coincidental and irrelevant. Now all of a sudden, old people dying shortly after vaccination are shrugged off with the excuse that they’re old and could have died any day anyway. Old people dying with SARS-CoV-2, however, must be stopped at any cost. Funny how that works.
The Problem With Synthetic RNA

The messenger RNA (mRNA) used in many COVID-19 vaccines are not natural. They’re synthetic. Since naturally produced mRNA rapidly degrades, it must be complexed with lipids or polymers to prevent this from happening. COVID-19 vaccines use PEGylated lipid nanoparticles, and PEG is known to cause anaphylaxis.2 Lipid nanoparticles may also cause other problems.
In 2017, Stat News discussed Moderna’s challenges in developing an mRNA-based drug for Crigler-Najjar, a condition that can lead to jaundice, muscle degeneration and brain damage:3

“In order to protect mRNA molecules from the body’s natural defenses, drug developers must wrap them in a protective casing. For Moderna, that meant putting its Crigler-Najjar therapy in nanoparticles made of lipids.
And for its chemists, those nanoparticles created a daunting challenge: Dose too little, and you don’t get enough enzyme to affect the disease; dose too much, and the drug is too toxic for patients.
From the start, Moderna’s scientists knew that using mRNA to spur protein production would be a tough task, so they scoured the medical literature for diseases that might be treated with just small amounts of additional protein.
‘And that list of diseases is very, very short,’ said the former employee … Crigler-Najjar was the lowest-hanging fruit. Yet Moderna could not make its therapy work … The safe dose was too weak, and repeat injections of a dose strong enough to be effective had troubling effects on the liver in animal studies.”

However, if they call their drugs vaccines, they can bypass the safety studies. All of a sudden, they expect us to believe that all of these safety issues have been resolved? Another problem is related to how long the mRNA remains stable in your system. It’s encased in nanolipid to prevent it from degrading too rapidly, but what happens if the mRNA degrades too slowly, or not at all?

The idea behind mRNA vaccines is that by tricking your body into creating the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, your immune system will produce antibodies in response. But what happens when you turn your body into a viral protein factory, thus keeping antibody production activated on a continual basis with no ability to shut down?

In addition, your body sees these synthetic particles as non-self and much of the perpetual antibody response will be autoantibodies attacking your own tissues.
Mikovits explains:

“Normally, messenger RNA is not free in your body because it’s a danger signal. As a molecular biologist, the central dogma of molecular biology is that our genetic code, DNA, is transcribed, written, into the messenger RNA. That messenger RNA is translated into protein, or used in a regulatory capacity … to regulate gene expression in cells.
So, taking a synthetic messenger RNA and making it thermostable — making it not break down — [is problematic]. We have lots of enzymes (RNAses and DNAses) that degrade free RNA and DNA because, again, those are danger signals to your immune system. They literally drive inflammatory diseases.
Now you’ve got PEG, PEGylated and polyethylene glycol, and a lipid nanoparticle that will allow it to enter every cell of the body and change the regulation of our own genes with this synthetic RNA, part of which actually is the message for the gene syncytin …
Syncytin is the endogenous gammaretrovirus envelope that’s encoded in the human genome … We know that if syncytin … is expressed aberrantly in the body, for instance in the brain, which these lipid nanoparticles will go into, then you’ve got multiple sclerosis.
The expression of that gene alone enrages microglia, literally inflames and dysregulates the communication between the brain microglia, which are critical for clearing toxins and pathogens in the brain and the communication with astrocytes.
It dysregulates not only the immune system, but also the endocannabinoid system, which is the dimmer switch on inflammation. We’ve already seen multiple sclerosis as an adverse event in the clinical trials, and we’re being lied to: ‘Oh, those people had that [already].’ No, they didn’t.
We also see myalgic encephalomyelitis. Inflammation of the brain and the spinal cord, which is [associated with] exogenous gammaretroviruses, the XMRVs.”

These High-Risk Groups Should Avoid COVID-19 Vaccine

According to Mikovits, research shows 4% to 6% of Americans have already been infected with XMRV gammaretroviruses via contaminated vaccines and blood supply for more than three decades, which is driving a number of chronic health conditions. Now, these synthetic gene therapies (the so-called COVID-19 vaccines) will further add to the chronic disease burden by triggering myalgic encephalomyelitis.
Anyone with an inflammatory disease like rheumatoid arthritis, Parkinson’s disease, chronic Lyme disease, anybody with an acquired immune deficiency from any pathogens and environmental toxins, those are the people who will be killed, murdered, by this vaccine. ~ Judy A. Mikovits, Ph.D.
Making matters worse, the synthetic mRNA also has an HIV envelope expressed in it, which can cause immune dysregulation. “This is a nightmare,” Mikovits says. “I’m angry, as this should never be allowed.”
As we discussed in previous interviews, SARS-CoV-2 has been engineered in the lab with gain-of-function research that included introducing the HIV envelope into the spike protein.
Mikovits’ hypothesis is that those who are most susceptible to severe neurological side effects and death from the COVID-19 vaccines are those who have previously been injected with XMRVs, borrelia, babesia, mycoplasma, through contaminated vaccines, resulting in chronic disease. (Her book, “Plague of Corruption,” details the science and history of XMRVs, which is a fascinating read.)

“Yes, absolutely,” she says. “That’s one of our hypotheses. But also, anyone with an inflammatory disease like rheumatoid arthritis, Parkinson’s disease, chronic Lyme disease, anybody with an acquired immune deficiency from any pathogens and environmental toxins.
Those are the people who will be killed, murdered, by this vaccine, and Anthony Fauci knows it … I can’t even sleep [because of] how evil this is. This is so deadly, I can’t scream it loud enough from the rooftops.”

The chart below lists 35 diseases associated with XMRV infection. If you have any of these, you may want to think long and hard before you line up for an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine, as your chances of severe side effects or death are likely far higher than someone who does not have any of these diseases.

This is not a complete list. There may be many other conditions that can put you into a high-risk category. One example is idiopathic thrombocytopenia (ITP), a deadly bleeding disorder. According to Mikovits, her work shows 30% of all ITP are associated with XMRVs.
Interestingly, one example is the 58-year-old Florida doctor who recently got the COVID-19 vaccine and died from sudden onset of ITP two weeks later. Dr. Jerry L. Spivak, an expert on blood disorders at Johns Hopkins University, told The New York Times “it is a medical certainty” that Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine caused the man’s death.4,5 Pfizer, of course, denies any connection.
Genetic Alterations May Last for Life

So, just how long will the synthetic RNA in COVID-19 vaccines be maintained within your body, causing your cells to produce this aberrant protein? Mikovits believes it will escape degradation for months, years, maybe even for life in some cases.
All of this is eerily reminiscent of previous attempts to create a coronavirus vaccine, all of which failed due to the vaccines causing paradoxical immune reactions, or antibody-dependent immune enhancement. While the animals appeared to have antibodies against the virus, and should theoretically have been protected, when they were exposed to wild coronavirus, they got severely ill and most died.

Such failures may be why so many vaccine makers decided to use mRNA rather than following conventional vaccine development strategies, but the end result is likely going to be the same or worse.

“I have a 41-year-old daughter-in-law with a very aggressive colon cancer. We’re seeing an explosion of chronic disease and these patients are not being discouraged from getting the vaccine. In fact, they’re being scared by physicians into getting it.
How do we wake people up? Is it going to take millions of Americans and people worldwide dying? Will Hank Aaron dying help the Black community? … We know the mechanisms. We know that Blacks and Hispanics can’t degrade RNA viruses as rapidly as Caucasians. We know that from studies all the way back to MMR. The MMR vaccine is associated with ITP. It says it right there on the package insert.
If you have a single nucleotide polymorphism in one of those RNases called RNase-L, you are more likely to get aggressive breast cancers, prostate cancers and other cancers from an XMRV infection (So why inject mRNA of syncytin, a gamma retrovirus envelope?).”

Breakthrough Genomics Could Save Millions of Lives

According to Mikovits, one solution is to use functional genomics technologies like Breakthrough Genomics, a company which uses machine learning to look at full genome sequences to determine which single nucleotide polymorphisms in ACE2 receptors, antiviral pathways like RNASEL and Interferons can make a person most susceptible to harm from these gene therapy “vaccines.”

“We have the technology to see who’s susceptible to severe effects. It will be a huge part of the population,” Mikovits says.

While one size clearly doesn’t fit all in any vaccine strategy, forcing a gene therapy on an entire population when it can be predicted that millions will die and develop deadly diseases like ITP is simply unconscionable. Yet anyone who dares speak about this, as Mikovits knows, risks having their careers and lives destroyed.
Symptoms of COVID-19 Vaccine Damage

Many of the symptoms now being reported are suggestive of neurological damage. They have severe dyskinesia (impairment of voluntary movement), ataxia (lack of muscle control) and intermittent or chronic seizures. Many cases detailed in personal videos on social media are quite shocking.
Equally shocking is that these videos are quickly removed by the social media platforms, ostensibly for violating some term of service. It’s hard to fathom how a personal experience can be considered “false information.”

“What is causing this is the neuroinflammation,” Mikovits says. “It’s the brain on fire. You’re going to see tics, you’re going to see Parkinsonian disease, you’re going to see ALS, you’re going to see things like this developing at extremely rapid rates, and it’s inflammation of the brain.”

Side effects are also suggestive of a dysregulated innate immune response and a disrupted endocannabinoid system, which acts as a dimmer switch on your immune system.

“We see mast cell activation syndromes (MCAS). The clinical symptoms are going to be the inflammatory diseases. We hear everybody calling it ‘long haul COVID’ — the extreme, profound, crippling fatigue, the inability to produce energy from your mitochondria.
It’s not long haul COVID. It’s exactly what it always was — myalgic encephalomyelitis, inflammation of the brain and the spinal cord. What they’re intentionally doing is killing off [certain] populations, which they previously injured.”

Another common side effect from the vaccine we’re seeing is allergic reactions, including anaphylactic shock. A likely culprit in this is PEG, which an estimated 70% of Americans are allergic to. “These instantaneous effects are almost certainly the PEG and that lipid nano particle, the toxic particle that’s being injected,” Mikovits says.
In the longer term, she suspects we’ll see a significant uptick in migraines, tics, Parkinson’s disease, microvascular disorders, different cancers, including prostate cancer, severe pain syndromes like fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis, bladder problems, kidney disease, psychosis, neurodegenerative diseases such as Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS) and sleep disorders, including narcolepsy. In young children, autism-like symptoms are likely to develop as well, she thinks.
We’ll End Up Killing the Most Susceptible

Aside from the chronic diseases listed earlier, others who are at high risk from these COVID-19 gene therapies include those who have gotten seasonal influenza vaccines, Blacks and Hispanics. Blacks and Hispanics are particularly at risk for antibody-dependent immune enhancement, in particular, due to genetics. Tragically, these vaccines are given to the most susceptible under the guise of racial and social justice.

“Johns Hopkins laid out that plan a few months ago to vaccinate ethnic minorities and the mentally challenged first. If your brain is already on fire, if you already have a neural inflammatory disease, why in the world would you inject this neural inflammatory toxin? You’re killing the people who are the most susceptible.”

Women of childbearing age may also be at risk for infertility, as syncytin (the gammaretrovirus envelope encoded in the human genome the expression of which can be dysregulated by the synthetic syncytin RNA in the vaccine) is required for proper fusion of the placenta in the uterus and implantation of the egg. Indeed, the World Health Organization is now saying pregnant women should not get the Moderna or Pfizer vaccines due to reports of late-term miscarriages.6

What to Do if You Got the Vaccine and Are Having Problems
The primary reason why I wanted to interview Mikovits was to find out her recommendations for those who chose to get the vaccine and now regret it. Interestingly, what I learned is you use the same strategies that you would use to treat the actual SARS-CoV-2 infection.
I’ve written many articles over the past year detailing simple strategies to improve your immune system, and with a healthy immune system, you’ll get through it without incident even if you end up getting sick. Below, I’ll summarize some of the strategies you can use both to prevent COVID-19 and address any side effects you may encounter from the vaccine.
First of all, you’ll want to eat a “clean,” ideally organic diet. Avoid processed foods of all kinds, as they are loaded with damaging omega-6 linoleic acid that wrecks your mitochondrial function. Also consider nutritional ketosis and time-restricted eating, both of which will help you optimize your metabolic machinery and mitochondrial function. As noted by Mikovits:

“We have to think about detoxing metal, we have to think about glyphosate … We have to prevent inflammation in all tissue sites and we have to keep our immune system healthy … You’re going to want to be burning ketones instead [of sugar] for the neuroinflammation, so you’re going to want to get into ketosis and take the stress off the mTOR pathway.”

With regard to glyphosate, a simple way to block glyphosate uptake is to take glycine. Approximately 3 grams, about half a teaspoon, a few times a day should be sufficient, along with an organic diet, so that you’re not adding more glyphosate with each meal. 
To improve detoxification, I recommend activating your natural glutathione production with molecular hydrogen tablets. All of these strategies should help improve your resilience against SARS-CoV-2, and may even help your body detoxify if you’ve made the mistake of getting this experimental gene therapy.
Another helpful strategy is to maintain a neutral pH. You want your pH to be right around 7, which you can measure with an inexpensive urine strip. The lower your pH, the more acidic you are.
A simple way to raise your pH if it’s too acidic (and most people are) is to take one-fourth teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) or potassium bicarbonate in water a few times a day. Improving your pH will improve the resiliency of your immune system and reduce the mineral loss from your bones, thereby reducing your risk of osteoporosis.
Helpful Supplements

Nutritional supplementation can also be helpful. Among the most important are:

Vitamin D — Vitamin D supplements are readily available and one of the least expensive supplements on the market. All things considered, vitamin D optimization is likely the easiest and most beneficial strategy that anyone can do to minimize their risk of COVID-19 and other infections, and can strengthen your immune system in a matter of a few weeks.

N-acetylcysteine (NAC) — NAC is a precursor to reduced glutathione, which appears to play a crucial role in COVID-19. According to one literature analysis,7 glutathione deficiency may actually be associated with COVID-19 severity, leading the author to conclude that NAC may be useful both for its prevention and treatment.

Zinc — Zinc plays a very important role in your immune system’s ability to ward off viral infections. Like vitamin D, zinc helps regulate your immune function8 — and a combination of zinc with a zinc ionophore, like hydroxychloroquine or quercetin, was in 2010 shown to inhibit SARS coronavirus in vitro. In cell culture, it also blocked viral replication within minutes.9 Importantly, zinc deficiency has been shown to impair immune function.10

Melatonin — Boosts immune function in a variety of ways and helps quell inflammation. Melatonin may also prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection by recharging glutathione11 and enhancing vitamin D synthesis, among other things.

Vitamin C — A number of studies have shown vitamin C can be very helpful in the treatment of viral illnesses, sepsis and ARDS,12 all of which are applicable to COVID-19. Its basic properties include anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, antioxidant, antithrombotic and antiviral activities. At high doses, it actually acts as an antiviral drug, actively inactivating viruses. Vitamin C also works synergistically with quercetin.13

Quercetin — A powerful immune booster and broad-spectrum antiviral, quercetin was initially found to provide broad-spectrum protection against SARS coronavirus in the aftermath of the 2003 SARS epidemic,14,15,16 and evidence suggests it may be useful for the prevention and treatment of SARS-CoV-2 as well.

B vitamins — B vitamins can also influence several COVID-19-specific disease processes, including17 viral replication and invasion, cytokine storm induction, adaptive immunity and hypercoagulability.

Mikovits also recommends Type 1 interferons.

“The type 1 [interferon] — the primary source of interferon, alpha and beta — is the plasmacytoid dendritic cell. We know that’s dysregulated in people with HIV, with XMRVs, with aberrant retroviral expression. Those people can’t make interferon.
Type 1 interferons can be provided in a spray that you can spray directly into your throat, your nose, and that will give you the protection you need so that the virus doesn’t [replicate]. It degrades it right away … Should you feel cough or fever, headache, immediately up your Type 1 interferon. Take a couple of sprays of that per day prophylactically as well, and that will keep the viral load down.
We know [SARS-CoV-2] isn’t a natural virus, we know this is lab-created, but it’ll calm the expression, it’ll degrade the RNA for those who can’t degrade the RNA, and that’s the job of Type 1 interferon — to have your macrophages be these little Pac-Men that simply degrade the viral mRNA.”

Nebulized Peroxide — My Favorite Treatment Choice

My personal choice for the treatment of COVID-19 symptoms is nebulized peroxide. It’s a home remedy I recommend everyone familiarize themselves with, as in many cases it can improve symptoms in mere hours. You can also use it as a preventive strategy if you know you’ve been exposed to someone who is ill.

Nebulizing hydrogen peroxide into your sinuses, throat and lungs is a simple, straightforward way to augment your body’s natural expression of hydrogen peroxide to combat infections and can be used both prophylactically after known exposure to COVID-19 and as a treatment for mild, moderate and even severe illness.

Dr. David Brownstein, who has successfully treated over 100 COVID-19 patients with nebulized peroxide, published a case paper18 about this treatment in the July 2020 issue of Science, Public Health Policy and The Law. He also reviews its benefits in “How Nebulized Peroxide Helps Against Respiratory Infections.”

Nebulized hydrogen peroxide is extremely safe, and all you need is a desktop nebulizer and food-grade hydrogen peroxide, which you’ll need to dilute with saline to 0.1% strength. I recommend buying these items beforehand so that you have everything you need and can begin treatment at home at the first signs of a respiratory infection.

In the video above, I go over the basics of this treatment. Be sure to buy a nebulizer that plugs into an electrical outlet, as battery-driven ones are too low-powered to be truly effective. Also make sure your nebulizer comes with a face mask, not just a mouth piece. If it doesn’t come with a face mask, you can pick one up separately. Just search Amazon for “nebulizer face mask for adults.”
More Information
Hopefully, we’ve provided enough information to make you reconsider the COVID-19 gene therapy “vaccine.” At bare minimum, do more research before you make your decision. The simple truth is you don’t need it, so it’s an unnecessary risk.
To learn more, be sure to preorder a copy of “Ending Plague: A Scholar’s Obligation in an Age of Corruption.” We’re in a crisis in far more ways than one, and getting educated — and then educating others — is absolutely crucial. The lives of millions of people are at stake. So please, take the time to digest this information, understand it, and share it with those you love.