The topic of the National Vaccine Information Center’s (NVIC) Fifth International Public Conference on Vaccination was Protecting Health and Autonomy in the 21st Century. The initially pay-for-view conference was held online with more than 50 speakers presenting information on vaccine science, policy, law and civil liberties.
“Following the conference, NVIC was targeted by political operatives and global non-governmental organizations and corporations that are working with governments to silence criticism of vaccine safety and one-size-fits-all mandatory vaccination policies and laws,” NVIC said in a statement.1
In its “Anti-Vaxx Playbook,”2 the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) identified six leading online “anti-vaxxers,” which include not only yours truly but also Fisher. In the Playbook, CCDH details the messages shared by me and others during the conference, such as:
Deaths being falsely attributed to COVID-19, thereby artificially inflating mortality statistics
The fact that COVID-19 has a 99%+ survival rate unless you’re very old and have underlying comorbidities
The fact that there are now several effective therapeutics for COVID-19, making a vaccine less relevant
However, the CCDH report presents these messages without any counterarguments. It does not negate or even debate the accuracy of any of them. It just brushes them aside as “misinformation” and “lies” without providing any proof whatsoever, and in doing so, it actually ends up strengthening our messaging.
In fact, the report summarizes our concerns so well that I’d encourage everyone to read it3 — it is, in essence, attempting to accomplish via censorship the opposite of what NVIC is striving for. Where CCDH is fighting to make open vaccine discussion akin to a national security threat or digital hate, NVIC serves a truly crucial public health service centered on transparency and science.
You simply cannot make an informed decision if you’re only allowed to hear one side of the equation — the supposed benefit side — while potential adverse effects, which may be lifelong, are hidden or denied. CCDH called NVIC’s conference “private,”4 but it was and still is very much public and you’re free to view it in its entirety.
Explore Science, Vaccine Choice, Health and Liberty
The first session of NVIC’s free online conference is focused on science, provided by experts in biology, immunology, molecular and cellular physiology, pharmacology and more. According to NVIC:5
“The quality and quantity of the science being used to buttress public health policy and law in the 21st century, particularly vaccine policy and law, has been debated since the mid-20th century when serious adverse reactions to whole-cell pertussis (DPT) vaccine were acknowledged in the medical literature and publicized in Europe and the U.S.”
During the Session 1 presentations, you can learn about vaccine science that is pertinent to helping you make informed health choices, such as:6
Vaccine ingredients
Monitoring vaccine side effects
Epidemiology of SARS-Cov-2
Development of COVID-19 vaccines
Flaws in clinical trial designs
Pharmaceutical product marketing
HPV vaccine risk factors
Use of human fetal cell lines to produce and test vaccines
Research into the reported association between inflammation, epigenetics and autism
How human health is affected by the microbiome
Session 2 is focused on pharmaceutical industry partnerships with Big Tech companies and their lobbying efforts to influence vaccine exemptions in public health laws:7
“The debate about the science and ethics of mandatory vaccination has become more intense in the past decade as citizens of many countries push back against one-size-fits-all vaccine policies that apply increasingly more severe societal sanctions to individuals, who maintain that use of vaccines should be voluntary.”
Indeed, the speakers cover topics that have received renewed importance in 2020 and 2021, including threats to autonomy and freedom of thought, speech and conscience, and defending the legal right to exercise voluntary, informed consent to vaccine risk-taking.
Session 3 is centered on the ongoing paradigm shift toward health and liberty, with health professionals, attorneys, spiritual leaders and human rights activists moving away from the vaccine- and drug-dependent medical model as the only option for wellness. NVIC explains:8
“As the education level of populations is increasing in the U.S. and throughout the world, so is easier access to scientific, medical, legal and other types of information that consumers can use to make informed choices.
Recent public opinion polls demonstrate that more people are asking more questions about the quality and quantity of the science being used to buttress medical policies, which rely almost exclusively on use of prescription drugs and vaccines.”
While health professionals continue to challenge the status quo to provide the best possible care for their patients, attorneys are increasingly challenging Big Pharma and educational systems, and activists are holding institutions accountable for violating civil liberties.
Vaccine Mandates, Liability Shields and Medical Atrocities
The fourth session of NVIC’s conference continues to explore the scientific, medical, legal, ethical and holistic health themes touched on in the other sessions, while adding issues that anyone making informed decisions about vaccination should be aware of, including:9
Animal vaccines
How to access and interpret information contained in the federal vaccine adverse event reporting system
The threat to medical privacy and informed consent rights posed by electronic health care records and vaccine tracking systems
The expansion of vaccine mandates to include adults
Strategies used by mandatory vaccination proponents in state legislatures
COVID-19 vaccines
Propaganda and psychological warfare
Urban community education and organizing
Historical examples of medical atrocities
Vaccine product liability shields
The untold story of why and how the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act was passed and then systematically dismantled
Access NVIC’s Conference for Free
The conference was made available for free viewing online February 2, 2021. You can access the conference website and watch all the presentations by clicking below. This conference was organized to be an educational event and you are encouraged to follow the conference agenda and view presentations in sequential order, so you can experience it as it was originally broadcast.
>>>>> Click Here <<<<<
Awarded With NVIC Lifetime Achievement Award
As you can see in the video at the top of this page, in 2020 I was the recipient of a Lifetime Achievement Award from NVIC, a nonprofit organization intent on evaluating information relating to vaccines and the science, policies and laws behind their use. NVIC is one of our longtime health partners, offering a clearinghouse for science-backed information on diseases and vaccines.
NVIC does not make vaccine use recommendations but, rather, supports the availability of all preventive health care options, and encourages you to make educated decisions when it comes to your health.
“Observing his patients’ struggle to heal and stay well, Dr. Mercola refused to accept the status quo,” Barbara Loe Fisher, NVIC’s co-founder said. “Listening to his patients, he dared to think outside the box, and after years of research, moved away from reliance on prescription drugs, vaccines and surgery so he could embrace a less toxic, more natural approach to health and wellness.”
In 2009, at NVIC's Fourth International Public Conference on Vaccination, I received their Visionary Award for speaking out about the importance of taking control of your health and communicating the truth about the H1N1 swine flu pandemic.10
The Lifetime Achievement Award was announced at NVIC’s Fifth International Public Conference on Vaccination, which was broadcast online October 16 to 18, 2020, and is now available online, free of charge, for everyone to view.11
‘Holistic Health Pioneer’
Like, NVIC is one of a handful of sites being targeted by the Centre for Countering Digital Hate. CCDH has been one of the most vocal organizations calling for the deplatforming of anyone who might have the ability to influence public opinion about vaccines — and NVIC is a leading authority in this area, having worked with the U.S. Congress to establish the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act in 1986.
Facebook deleted NVIC’s account March 2, 2021,12 but we will continue to support them in their mission to defend the human right to freedom of thought and conscience.13 In regard to the Lifetime Achievement Award, Fisher said:
“Dr. Mercola’s advice about how to stay healthy has had an immeasurable positive impact on the lives of millions of people around the world. Often the first to recommend a new way to prevent illness, long before others do, he is a holistic health pioneer who has never stopped searching for ways to help people stay well.
Like most pioneers, Dr. Mercola has been criticized by those who are threatened by his refusal to be a prisoner of convention. Yet he has steadfastly refused to bow to pressure from powerful industries and institutions trying to stop him from searching for and speaking the truth about how to maintain health.
In 2008, when Dr. Mercola reached out to the National Vaccine Information Center and offered to help us forward our mission to prevent vaccine injuries and deaths through public education, his encouragement and support gave new life to this charity, founded and operated by parents of vaccine injured children since 1982.
He has been publicly attacked by media corporations for his support of NVIC’s work, but … has never backed down or waivered in his commitment to educate and defend everyone’s right to make voluntary vaccination decisions.
… At this 5th International Public Conference on Vaccination, we honor Dr. Mercola with a lifetime achievement award for his courage and commitment and the brilliant body of work he has created during his career, which has truly changed the way that people all over the world view their right to know and freedom to take control of their health.”