
Weekly Health Quiz: Depression, PCR and Masks

1 Which of the following strategies will address low NAD+ levels?
Exercise and/or NMN and low-dose niacin supplementation
NAD+ boosting supplements include nicotinamide riboside (NR), nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN), nicotinamide and niacin. NMN appears to be the best, as it activates the NAD+ salvage pathway and is a direct precursor to NAD+. Lifestyle strategies such as exercise, sauna bathing, fasting, recalibrating your circadian rhythm and avoiding excessive EMFs and alcohol will also address low NAD+. Learn more.
Time restricted eating (TRE)
Sun and EMF exposure

2 Which of the following PR firms represents major companies within the technology, pharmaceutical and banking industries and is a partner of the World Economic Forum, which is leading the call for a “reset” of the global economy and a complete overhaul of our way of life?
Publicis Groupe
The Publicis Groupe, a leading PR firm, represents major companies within the technology, pharmaceutical and banking industries. It is a partner of the World Economic Forum, which is leading the call for a “Great Reset” post-COVID. Learn more.
5W Public Relations
Strategic Objectives

3 The largest COVID-19-specific mask trial to date found consistent mask wearing:
Consistently reduced the risk of infection by 50%
Consistently doubled the risk of infection
May reduce the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection by as much as 46%, or increase it by 23%
The largest COVID-19-specific mask trial to date found masks may either reduce your risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection by as much as 46%, or increase it by 23%. Either way, the vast majority — 97.9% of those who didn’t wear masks, and 98.2% of those who did — remained infection free. Learn more.
Provided neither protection against infection nor raised the risk

4 According to psychiatrist and medical legal expert Dr. Mark McDonald, what or who is responsible for the dramatic rise in child and adolescent depression and suicidal ideation during 2020?
Online bullying
COVID-19 deaths, leaving an unprecedented number of children orphaned
Lockdowns canceling play and vacation time
Parents and other adults suffering from delusional fears about COVID-19
According to McDonald, the fear of COVID-19 has morphed and evolved into a form of mass delusional psychosis that threatens the psychological health of children. Treating the children’s trauma in therapy is not going to be enough, as parents and other adults are the ones creating the trauma by their own exaggerated fear response. To heal a generation of traumatized children, we must first address the psychosis of the adult population. Learn more.

5 According to most experts familiar with PCR testing, at which cycle threshold does the test cease to be scientifically justifiable?
The scientific consensus states anything over 35 CTs is scientifically unjustifiable as it produces enormous amounts of false positives. According to an April 2020 study, a CT of 17 must be used to obtain 100% confirmed real positives. Learn more.

6 Who wrote the book “Brave New World?”
Aldous Huxley
Aldous Huxley wrote “Brave New World,” a nightmarish vision of a future society known as the “World State,” ruled by science and efficiency, where emotions and individuality have been eradicated and personal relationships are few. Huxley argues that in order to create the dystopian future presented in his book, you have to centralize wealth, power and control. Hence the way to protect against it is to insist on decentralization. Learn more.
George Orwell
Eric Blair
Mike Wallace

7 Nebulized hydrogen peroxide improves symptoms of COVID-19 by:
Increasing glutathione production
Killing viruses, improving oxygenation and optimizing the redox pathway
Hydrogen peroxide is a topical disinfectant that kills viruses on contact. It’s also an oxidative therapy that stimulates the redox pathway, thereby stimulating energy production and repair cells. It also improves oxygenation and may have a detoxifying effect on your lungs. Learn more.
Boosting viral replication and increasing blood clotting
Making your body produce antibodies in response to viral proteins


Nebulized Peroxide — A Simple Remedy for COVID-19

Dr. David Brownstein, who has a clinic just outside of Detroit, Michigan, has successfully treated over 200 patients with what has become my favorite intervention for COVID-19 and other upper respiratory infections, namely nebulized hydrogen peroxide.
A peer-reviewed consecutive case series of 107 COVID-19 patients treated with nebulized peroxide and other remedies, including oral vitamins A, C and D, iodine, intravenous hydrogen peroxide and iodine as well as intravenous (IV) vitamin C, along with intramuscular ozone, was published in the July 2020 issue of Science, Public Health Policy, and the Law.1 All patients survived.
Nebulized Peroxide and Iodine
At the time of this interview, the number of patients successfully treated with these all-natural strategies exceeds 230, and he has now published a book describing his approach, titled “A Holistic Approach to Viruses.”

“[Among] our [COVID-19] patients, we’ve had no deaths,” he says. “We’ve had a couple of hospitalizations, but much smaller than should be for the reported statistics. And we’re still using the same protocol we’ve been using for 25 plus years for flu and flu-like illnesses.

A patient I called over the weekend told me ‘There are two things out of what you gave me that I could tell really made me feel better.’ I gave him the whole protocol of oral vitamin A, C, D and iodine and nebulized peroxide and iodine.

He said, ‘I forgot to use the iodine the first day or two. When you asked me about it, I re-added it back in orally. That made the difference. My mucus thinned out, my breathing was better. I forgot to put the iodine in the nebulizer [too], and [when] I did both at the same time — the oral iodine and the nebulized hydrogen peroxide with iodine — everything cleared up …’

His breathing was 80%, 90% better shortly after the first or second dose of iodine. He’s another success story that we’ve had, which is supporting people’s immune systems during these viral illness times … I would implore my colleagues to add iodine into whatever regimen you’re using to treating patients who are ill with flu-like illnesses such as COVID-19.”

Early Treatment Virtually Eliminates Long-Haul Syndrome
In my recent interview with Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, in which we discuss hydroxychloroquine treatment, he pointed out that none of the patients treated within the first five days of symptom onset went on to develop long-haul syndrome.
This has by and large been Brownstein experience as well. Of the initial 107 patients included in his case report, 2% developed long-haul syndrome. This is in stark contrast to the 20% to 40% reported elsewhere, he notes.

“The huge disaster of COVID-19 that history will tell someday is the powers that be telling us there’s nothing we can do. Just stay home, lock yourself in your basement, quarantine yourself from your family, wear your mask, social distance — that’s it. No therapies, no nothing, just wait till the vaccine comes out.

This has resulted in over 400,000 deaths. Maybe the death numbers are exaggerated, but a lot of people have died because the governments and the powers that be, the AMA and everybody else out there, have said ‘There’s nothing you can offer’ and ‘Don’t offer anything because it hasn’t gone through randomized, double blind, placebo controlled studies … and if doctors do it, we’re going to censor them and hold them accountable.’ That’s been the biggest disaster of this whole thing,” Brownstein says.

Most Are Deficient in Basic Immune Boosters
It’s important to recognize as long as your immune system is up to par, your body can overcome most if not all viral invaders. And, your immune system function is dependent on proper nutrition, not drugs or vaccines. Brownstein’s use of nutritional supplements and other immune boosting strategies goes back decades, well before there were antiviral drugs available.
He points out that a vast majority of people have low levels of vitamin C, for example, which helps both your innate and adaptive immune systems. About 90% of his patients are also deficient in vitamin D, which is another crucial immune regulator. You have vitamin D receptors in both your innate and adaptive immune systems. Vitamin D deficiency is also associated with sepsis.
Many are also deficient in vitamin A. Here, the devil’s in the details. Beta carotene is a water-soluble form of vitamin A that does not provide the immune boosting benefits of vitamin A. For that, you need the fat-soluble form. So, make sure you’re taking emulsified vitamin A.

“Beta carotene does not provide the immune system affects vitamin A does,” Brownstein says. “Vitamin A helps minimize cytokine storm. It helps minimize the inflammatory factors … It helps to lower TNF alpha. And the white blood cells need vitamin A as an integral part of their functioning. So, it helps both the innate and the adaptive immune systems fight back.”

Vitamins A, C, D and Iodine
For decades now, Brownstein has prescribed vitamins A, C and D to his patients, and at the first signs of illness, he instructs them to jack up the dosages to 100,000 units of vitamin A and 50,000 units of vitamin D3 per day for four days, along with 1,000 milligrams of vitamin C per hour during waking hours until symptoms recede.

“Those were the first three things I did,” he says. “What I found was that when people got the flu or flu-like illness, and they started taking these three things immediately they would get better in 24 hours. It was amazing.

A few years later, I learned about iodine and started testing, and found 97% of people are deficient in iodine. The vast majority markedly deficient, meeting WHO standards of severely deficient in iodine. So, I added iodine into that protocol.

My average dose of iodine for most people is — if they don’t have glandular problems like problems with the breasts, prostates, thyroid, pancreas, ovaries, uterus — about 12.5 milligrams a day. If they have problems with those glands, it would be more.

The average dose of iodine over the years that I’ve had my patients on is 25 milligrams a day. And it’s a combination of iodine and iodide, which is found in Lugol’s solution. That was quickly added into that four-part regimen, and that made a huge difference. People liked that. They felt better with it.”

As time went on, he discovered case histories describing the treatment of pneumonia, bronchitis and other lung problems with nebulized iodine. As a result, he added that into his antiviral regimen as well.
If you’re using 5% Lugol’s solution, simply add one drop to your nebulizer after filling it with the diluted peroxide solution. If you’re using 2% Lugol’s solution, which is available over the counter, add two drops. Of course, this should be done with a doctor’s consultation.
IV Peroxide, Vitamin C and Ozone
A few years after that, he came across hydrogen peroxide, which can be used both intravenously and in a nebulizer. The fact that your body naturally produces huge amounts of hydrogen peroxide in all cells can clue you in to its importance. 

“I started using IV and nebulized peroxide, and I mixed the nebulized peroxide with a nebulized iodine in one solution. For people developing lung problems, pneumonia, lung cancer or COPD, if they were coughing, couldn’t breathe, if they were wheezing and things like that, adding nebulized hydrogen peroxide at 0.04% dilution and one drop of 5% Lugol’s solution, which supplies 6.25 milligrams of iodine, really helped a lot of people out.”

Eventually, he started adding in IV vitamin C, hydrogen peroxide and ozone therapy. When COVID-19 broke out the winter of 2020, Brownstein decided to try this basic antiviral protocol, finding it worked just as well against SARS-CoV-2 infection as any other viral infection.
During the first wave in March and April 2020, none of the staff that continued working fell ill. Eventually, one staff member got sick, triggering a cascade of infection among the staff. All were treated and all successfully recovered. “Now we have a herd immunity office,” Brownstein says. “Eighty-seven percent of us have antibodies to COVID-19.”
Nebulized Peroxide Basics
I’ve embraced nebulized peroxide since the COVID-19 pandemic broke out and have received many anecdotal reports from people who have successfully used it, even at more advanced stages. Based on Brownstein’s experience, I now also recommend adding iodine when nebulizing, as it appears to make it even more effective.
Keep in mind that the peroxide needs to be diluted with saline. I recommend diluting it down to 0.1%. Brownstein recommends diluting it to 0.04%. Tom Levy recommends 3% and higher. Ideally, use food grade hydrogen peroxide, as it does not have any harmful stabilizers. If you pre-dilute to 0.04%, it will stay potent for about three months when kept refrigerated. If you do a 0.1% dilution, it may stay potent a bit longer.
If you don’t have access to saline, you could make your own by mixing one teaspoon of unprocessed salt (such as Himalayan salt, Celtic salt or Redmond’s real salt) into a pint of water. This will give you a 0.9% saline solution, which is about the concentration found in body fluids. Using that saline, you will then dilute the hydrogen peroxide as described in this chart.

Do not mix the peroxide with straight distilled water, as this could potentially cause physiological damage. You need the salt in there. You can, however, make your saline using distilled water.
Using small amounts of peroxide, either IV or nebulizer, only has a good clinical effect. I do not see negative effects with it. ~ Dr. David Brownstein

Also, to optimize your benefits, be sure to buy an electric tabletop jet nebulizer. The battery-driven handheld versions simply aren’t as effective. As Brownstein points out, in nearly all cases where patients were not getting better, they were using a handheld nebulizer. Once they got a more powerful version that can drive the peroxide deep into the lungs, the treatment started working as it should. 

I strongly recommend buying everything you need beforehand, so that you can treat yourself or your family at a moment’s notice. You don’t want to wait days for your order to arrive before starting treatment.
Mechanisms of Action

What is it about hydrogen peroxide that makes this nebulizing treatment work so well? Obviously, regular peroxide is a topical disinfectant that kills viruses on contact. But it also seems to have a secondary messenger effect. Brownstein explains:

“It’s an oxidative therapy. We’re kind of all conditioned that antioxidants are good and oxidants are bad, but really, you need a balance of them. It’s called a redox. It’s like a teeter-totter. You need oxidants to stimulate the breakdown of old cells, old and injured tissue, and you need antioxidants to stimulate the repair of those old cells and old tissues.

So, the oxidants do have a benefit. They stimulate the redox pathway, and what I think we’re getting with hydrogen peroxide, ozone and high-dose vitamin C is that you’re stimulating this redox pathway to move electrons around.

When you move electrons around you can make energy molecules, ATP, you can stimulate repair cells and STEM cells and get things moving again. The human body produces a tremendous amount of peroxide. It’s produced all over the body in every cell. If this was an oxidant therapy that’s dangerous, why would we produce so much of it?

Using small amounts of peroxide, either IV or nebulizer, only has a good clinical effect. I do not see negative effects with it. [Vitamin C also] stimulates peroxide production when you use high doses.”

Aside from having antiviral effects, nebulizing peroxide will also improve oxygenation and breathing in general, and can be very helpful for smokers. This makes sense as peroxide breaks down in your body into water and oxygen. Brownstein believes it also has a detoxifying effect on the lungs.
It’s interesting to note that Brownstein and his colleagues never used any of the drug regimens that many doctors swear by, such as ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine.
While he has looked at the scientific literature, noting there’s ample evidence to support their use and safety, all of his patients recovered without them, so he never resorted to prescribing either of them. Brownstein didn’t even use zinc, which is a staple nutritional intervention for viral infections.
For patients who travel and worry about contracting COVID-19, he simply reminds them to bring their nebulizer, properly diluted hydrogen peroxide and iodine. That way, they can nebulize when they get to their destination, which should effectively kill off any pathogens they might have been exposed to during their travels.
Remedies to Avoid
Aside from knowing what to take and what to do, it’s also important to know what to avoid. Examples include Tamiflu which, when it works, may reduce symptomatic illness for only a couple of hours at best, while having significant side effect risks. Brownstein also advises against Tylenol and other antipyretics such as aspirin and ibuprofen. The reason for this is because you don’t want to suppress your body’s ability to mount a fever. Brownstein explains:

“Fever is there for a purpose. We were designed perfectly to survive viral illnesses, to live to old age and have a good brain function into old age. If we support the body, if we give it the basic nutrients it needs and the basic raw materials and support that it needs, it can do really cool things.

The problem is, in the toxic world we live in, enzymes are poisoned and receptors are blocked. We take all these drugs that poison enzymes and block receptors. Fever is your friend and the fever’s there for a reason. Bacteria and viruses don’t like a raised body temperature. That’s why the body raises the temperature during an infection.

It’s trying to make the environment inhospitable for a pathogen. So, the worst thing you can do in that situation, unless the fever is too high — a fever over 103 degrees Fahrenheit, maybe 103.5 104 F., can cause brain problems and seizures and you can die from a fever.

But most people don’t get fevers up that high when they’re sick. They get low grade fevers, 99.5 to maybe 101, 102 F. I tell patients, don’t take anything for that. Just support the body and let it do its thing.

You can control your temperature much better than using antipyretics like Tylenol or ibuprofen by taking a tepid bath or sponge bathing with tepid water. A bath with Epsom salts was very helpful for my COVID patients, and it’s been helpful for other viral illnesses over the years.”

The Problem With Tylenol
Tylenol in particular is also problematic for other reasons. Importantly, it poisons the enzyme that makes glutathione, a very potent antioxidant that your body produces intracellularly. When you’re dealing with a bacterial or viral infection, you want your body to make more glutathione to support affected cells. If you take Tylenol, you block that process.

“Tylenol also has a very narrow window of toxicity, meaning that if you go over the recommended dose on the label, but not by much, you can get Tylenol toxicity. The liver starts to break down and people die from this,” Brownstein warns.

“The treatment for Tylenol toxicity is intravenous N-acetylcysteine (NAC), which is the precursor to making glutathione. So, I tell my patients to avoid taking Tylenol. I really made a point of it with COVID-19, because they needed glutathione production.

And as far as Motrin and ibuprofen and aspirin goes, at the beginning of the crisis, I saw three patients who told me when they took the first dose of Motrin for a fever, they collapsed, their system went to hell, they had trouble breathing. Everything got worse an hour or two after that first dose of ibuprofen.

There was an early article that hypothesized taking ibuprofen and NSAIDs might make COVID-19 worse because it can affect the ACE2 receptor and make the virus more likely to latch onto it. That hasn’t really been proven. I think it’s more [because] you’re blocking the body’s natural fever response and it’s just not a good thing to do.”

Back to Basics
Brownstein stresses that it’s not just about taking certain supplements or nebulizing when you’re ill. You also need to clean up your diet. The best treatment is prevention, which you’ll achieve through proper diet and a healthy lifestyle on a daily basis.
That said, when you do get acutely ill, if you haven’t already eliminated processed foods, which are loaded with sugar and harmful fats, omega-6 linoleic acid (LA) in particular, that’s the time to do it.

Research actually suggests hydrogenated LA can radically increase your risk for COVID-19 because the LA is part of the strategy the SARS COV-2 virus uses to infect your cells. I describe this in “The Type of Fat You Eat Affects Your COVID Risk.” So, you’ll want to dramatically limit vegetable oils and other sources of LA and focus on organic whole foods.
Together, eating “clean” and addressing any nutritional deficiencies you may have (and testing is the best way to go about determining that) can go a long way toward preventing severe infections. As noted by Brownstein:

“You have to have a strong immune system. A better immune system is going to fight whatever you’re confronted with. And look, SARS COVID-2 is here now. There’s going to be SARS-CoV-3, CoV-4 or CoV-5 or some other illness that’s out there, so, we got to have a strong immune system.”

To learn more, be sure to pick up a copy of “A Holistic Approach to Viruses.” You can also find more information about iodine, ozone therapy and much more on his website,


Nine Benefits of Eating Black Pepper

Pepper is so common in kitchens today that it’s easy to take for granted, but this savory and spicy seasoning adds not only a powerful kick to your meals but also an impressive boost to your health.

Black pepper (Piper Nigrum L.) is native only to Kerala, India, and ancient trade is thought to have occurred between India and the West, with references to black pepper appearing in Greek and Roman texts.1 The spice trade was a highly profitable business in the ancient world, and pepper was so in demand that traders could set their prices, leading to the spice becoming a luxury item reserved for the rich.

Even today, the Dutch term “peperduur,” which means as expensive as pepper, is used to describe anything that’s extremely expensive.2 Eventually, more trade routes were established, leading pepper to make up 70% of the international spice trade.

As it became more widely available, prices dropped and it became a mainstay in cuisines throughout the world and is featured in popular spice blends such as India’s garam masala, Morocco’s ras el hanout, France’s quatre épices and Cajun and jerk blends.3

Traditionally, pepper was used as a carminative agent to help relieve gas as well as to stimulate gastric secretions.4 This “king of spices” was also valued for gastrointestinal purposes, including to relieve vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea. Emerging research hints that its health benefits extend far beyond this, however.5

Nine Reasons to Eat More Black Pepper

1. Antioxidant Properties — Black pepper and its main active ingredient piperine, which gives pepper its heat and pungent flavor, are powerful antioxidants, with notable free-radical scavenging activity that may offer chemoprevention and help suppress tumor growth.6 Black pepper essential oil is also rich in phenolics, flavonoids and proanthocyanidins, which have strong antioxidant activity.7
Piperine, which is also anti-inflammatory, also protects against lipid peroxidation, which may play a role in chronic diseases like cancer, liver disease, atherosclerosis and even the aging process itself.8

2. Cardiovascular Protection — With cardiovascular diseases representing the leading cause of death globally, a December 2020 systematic review published in Trends in Food Science & Technology is of tremendous relevance,9 as it found black pepper and piperine have protective effects on cardiovascular diseases.
Its key findings reveal that black pepper regulates lipid metabolism, inflammation and oxidation status, which all affect heart health, while piperine specifically targeted processes associated with atherosclerosis.
A number of additional beneficial effects from piperine were also noted, such that they suggested the substance, and black pepper, could be used as a food additive to prevent and treat cardiovascular diseases.
Its beneficial effects include preventing the uptake of oxidized low-density lipoprotein (LDL) associated with heart disease in macrophages, preventing lipid peroxidation as well as preventing inflammatory cells from adhering to the endothelial monolayer and improving the overall lipid profile. In addition, researchers explained:10

“Besides, piperine may ameliorate myocardial ischemia, cardiac injury, and cardiac fibrosis, exhibit antihypertensive and antithrombosis effect, as well as prevent arterial stenosis by inhibiting vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation.”

3. Anti-Inflammatory Properties — A 2020 study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry further revealed that alkaloids from black pepper have anti-inflammatory activity by activating the nuclear factor kappa B, or NF-kB pathway.11
This proinflammatory signaling pathway plays a role in the expression of proinflammatory genes like cytokines, chemokines and adhesion molecules, and “has long been considered the ‘holy grail’ as a target for new anti-inflammatory drugs.”12

4. Liver Protection — Piperine has diverse pharmacological actions, with hepatoprotectivity13 — or liver protection — among them. Research has shown piperine offers protection against liver damage induced by tertiary butyl hydroperoxide and the chemical carbon tetrachloride by reducing lipid peroxidation.
Black pepper extract also stimulates liver regeneration by restricting fibrosis,14 and an animal study showed black pepper essential oil (BPEO) improved liver health after chemical injury. The researchers stated, “BPEO can be used as potential liver health products and natural preservatives.”15

5. Anticancer — Piperine has antimutagenic and cancer-preventive effects.16 Pepper extract has been found to inhibit the development of solid tumors in mice with lymphoma as well as increase lifespan.17 Researchers noted in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology:18

“Ayurvedic and Chinese traditional medicine and tribal people use herbal preparations containing Piper nigrum fruits for the treatment of many health disorders like inflammation, fever, asthma and cancer. In Brazil, traditional maroon culture associates the spice Piper nigrum to health recovery and inflammation attenuation.”

Their study found black pepper extract had cytotoxic, antiproliferative and antitumor effects in MCF-7 breast cancer cells by inducing oxidative stress and triggering apoptosis, leading researchers to conclude “the overall data from this study are well in line with the traditional claims for the antitumor effect of Piper nigrum fruits.”19
Studies also suggest that piperine may have anticancer effects by enhancing the antioxidant system and increasing the level and activity of detoxifying enzymes.20

6. Brain Health — Piperine may be beneficial for cognitive brain functioning,21 and animal studies suggest black pepper extract significantly improves memory in rats with Alzheimer’s-like disease, likely by attenuating oxidative stress in the hippocampus brain region.22
Piperine has also been found to increase cell viability and restore mitochondrial functioning and primary neurons in cells damaged by a neurotoxic insecticide, and also has neuroprotective effects in models of Parkinson’s disease.23 Pain-relieving, anticonvulsant, antidepressant and antiseizure effects have also been noted.24

7. Antidiabetes Effects — Black pepper has multiple antidiabetes effects, including helping to improve blood sugar metabolism.25
Further, in an eight-week study involving 86 overweight subjects,26 those who consumed a combination of piperine and other bioactive food ingredients, including epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), capsaicins and L-carnitine, had a significant decrease in insulin resistance, suggesting the ingredients “might be useful for the treatment of obesity-related inflammatory metabolic dysfunctions.”

8. Increase Nutrient Absorption — Black pepper has the unique ability to synergistically interact with nutrients, increasing their absorption.27 For instance, research shows that when EGCG from green tea is administered in combination with piperine, it increases the absorption of EGCG and helps it stay in the bloodstream longer.28
Piperine also increases the bioavailability of resveratrol and curcumin. In one study, the addition of piperine increased absorption of curcumin by 2,000%.29 Further, as noted in Medicinal & Aromatic Plants:30

“Piperine increases the absorption of many drugs and nutrients from the gastrointestinal tract by various mechanisms. It alters the membrane dynamics and increases permeability at site of absorption.

Piperine increases the serum half-lives of some substances like beta-carotene and coenzyme Q10 and decreases metabolism of many drugs by inhibiting various metabolizing enzymes …”

This means adding black pepper to your meals may make it easier for your body to absorb the many nutrients they contain. Pepper itself also contains some nutrients, including manganese, vitamin K, fiber and iron.

9. Weight Management — Piperine blocks the formation of new fat cells,31 and when combined with capsaicin and other substances, black pepper was found to burn as many calories as taking a 20-minute walk.32 A small study involving 16 healthy adults also revealed that drinking a black pepper-based beverage had appetite-suppressing effects.33
Further, piperine’s ability to inhibit new fat cells from forming, known as adipogenesis, is said to be due to downregulation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPAR?), an intracellular molecule involved in vascular and immune processes,34 making it a potential treatment for obesity-related diseases.35

Pepper Offers Too Many Benefits to Count

The health benefits of black pepper do not end here. In addition to piperine, other valuable constituents in black pepper include piperlongumine, sylvatin, sesamin, diaeudesmin piperlonguminine, pipermonaline, and piperundecalidine, each with their own unique health potential.
Black pepper has been prized since ancient times and is featured in traditional medicine, including Ayurveda. Researchers from Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology in India noted:36

“It is most commonly used to treat chronic bronchitis, asthma, constipation, gonorrhea, paralysis of the tongue, diarrhea, cholera, chronic malaria, viral hepatitis, respiratory infections, stomachache, bronchitis, diseases of the spleen, cough, and tumors.”

They noted a wide range of reported pharmacological activities from black pepper, including:37





Coronary vasodilation



There’s also some evidence that suggests black pepper plays a role in gut health by altering the makeup of intestinal microbiota and possibly acting as a prebiotic.38 So, with its many beneficial properties, feel free to add pepper liberally to your meals.
For best results, choose whole peppercorns and grind them fresh when you need them. Dried peppercorns can stay fresh for three to four years, especially if stored in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight or heat,39 however once ground pepper will gradually lose some of its flavor and potency. Ground pepper may also be adulterated with something other than black pepper.
Peppercorns are versatile in that you can use a pepper grinder to grind them to a course or fine texture, depending on your preference. You can also use them crushed, especially when using pepper in a coating. When cooking, use a hand-held mill and grind fresh peppercorn at the last moment to retain the full flavor and health potential of the essential oils.


You were not born to just go to work, pay bills and die.


3 Myths About Running and Your Health

Every person who takes up running has been confronted by a “helpful” critic who is more than happy to reel off the reasons running will ruin your life. Here’s a look at three questionable claims about running and health:
1. Running will give you a heart attack or other heart problems. It is true that exercise temporarily raises the odds of a heart attack while you’re mid-workout, but doing it consistently reduces that risk over the long haul, leading to a net benefit. Going for a run most days of the week is doing far more good than bad for your heart.
2. Running will ruin your bones and joints. A study in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine found no evidence of accelerated rates of osteoarthritis among long-distance runners. Weight-bearing exercise like running helps stave off osteoporosis by maintaining bone mineral density.
3. Running will kill you before your time. According to a study in the Archives of Internal Medicine, running and other vigorous exercise in middle age is associated with a longer life. Not only that, it will make your later years more pleasant by reducing disability.


7 Ills That Don’t Need Pills

In the April 2008 issue of the Harvard Health Letter, researchers explained how in many cases, the non-pharmacological approach can accomplish as much, or more, than pills.
In more recent years, a growing body of studies are showing that simple lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise are effective remedies for many ills.
These seven common conditions can be managed without medication:

Cognitive decline
High blood pressure


You can make money or you can make excuses. You can?t make both.


Curcumin: Could This Spice Actually Help You Shed Pounds?

By Dr. Mercola

One of the simplest and most enjoyable ways to up the health ante of your meals is by adding herbs and spices, and in the realm of spices, turmeric and its active ingredient curcumin may be king.
If you’re a fan of curry, you’re probably also a fan of turmeric, as this is the yellow-orange spice that makes the foundation of many curry dishes. It’s a great addition to your diet, but to get the full benefits curcumin has to offer, look for a turmeric extract that contains 100 percent certified organic ingredients and at least 95 percent curcuminoids.
Research is emerging showing that this potent spice may play a beneficial role in preventing and treating numerous chronic diseases, and may offer promise in helping people deal with obesity and obesity-related metabolic diseases.

Does Curcumin Boost Weight Loss?

Research in the European Journal of Nutrition suggests that curcumin may be useful for the treatment and prevention of obesity-related chronic diseases, as the interactions of curcumin with several signal transduction pathways — the process by which biological functions are recognized — also reverse insulin resistance, hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, and other inflammatory symptoms associated with obesity and metabolic disorders.
Curcumin is known for its potent anti-inflammatory properties, and chronic inflammation is the hallmark of most chronic disease, including diabetes, arthritis, and heart disease. But many people are not aware that obesity contributes to a state of low-grade, chronic inflammation in your body that can trigger metabolic disorders such as insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Curcumin appears to modulate several cellular transduction pathways that contribute to this damaging process.
As a result, researchers concluded:

“These findings might enable novel phytochemical treatment strategies as well as curcumin translation to the clinical practice for the treatment and prevention of obesity-related chronic diseases. Furthermore, the relatively low cost of curcumin, safety and proven efficacy make it advisable to include curcumin as part of a healthy diet.”

Past research has revealed similar findings, including that curcumin reduces the formation of fat tissue by suppressing the blood vessels needed to form it. As the researchers stated:

“Our results clearly demonstrate that curcumin at cellular and whole organism levels displays remarkable potential health benefits for prevention of obesity and associated metabolic disorders.”

Weight Loss is Just the Icing on the Cake

The benefits of curcumin go way beyond weight loss. The compound has been shown to influence more than 700 genes, and it can inhibit both the activity and the synthesis of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX2) and 5-lipooxygenase (5-LOX), as well as other enzymes that have been implicated in inflammation.
But that’s not all. Curcumin currently has the most evidence-based literature supporting its use against cancer than any other nutrient. Interestingly this also includes the metabolite of curcumin and its derivatives, which are also anti-cancerous. Best of all, curcumin appears to be safe in the treatment of all cancers. Researchers have found that curcumin can affect more than 100 different pathways, once it gets into the cell.
More specifically, curcumin has been found to:

? Inhibit the proliferation of tumor cells
? Decrease inflammation

? Inhibit the transformation of cells from normal to tumor
? Inhibit the synthesis of a protein thought to be instrumental in tumor formation

? Help your body destroy mutated cancer cells so they cannot spread throughout your body
? Help prevent the development of additional blood supply necessary for cancer cell growth (angiogenesis)

However, much of curcumin’s power seems to lie in its ability to modulate genetic activity and expression — both by destroying cancer cells and by promoting healthy cell function. As such, evidence suggests curcumin may play a beneficial role in the following conditions:

? Cystic fibrosis
? Type 2 diabetes
? Inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn’s disease

? Psoriasis
? Rheumatoid arthritis
? Cataracts

? Gallstones
? Muscle regeneration and regenerate brain cells after stroke
? Alzheimer’s disease

? Reduce cholesterol levels
? Inhibit platelet aggregation
? Protect against liver damage

? Inhibit HIV replication
? Suppress tumor formation
? Suppress symptoms of multiple sclerosis

Tips for Using Curcumin Therapeutically

You can use turmeric in your cooking (choose a pure turmeric powder, rather than a curry powder, as at least one study has found that curry powders tend to contain very little curcumin), but you may also want to consider taking it in supplement form. For many this is a more convenient method to obtain the potential health benefits, especially if it is from a high-quality organic source, and also if you don’t particularly enjoy the taste of curry.
Unfortunately, at the present time there really are no formulations available for the use against cancer, as relatively high doses are required and curcumin is not absorbed that well.
According to Dr. William LaValley, one of the leading medicine cancer physicians I personally know, typical anticancer doses are up to three grams of good bioavailable curcumin extract, three to four times daily. One work-around is to use the curcumin powder and make a microemulsion of it by combining a tablespoon of the powder and mixing it into 1-2 egg yolks and a teaspoon or two of melted coconut oil. Then use a high-speed hand blender to emulsify the powder.
Another strategy that can help increase absorption is to put one tablespoon of the curcumin powder into a quart of boiling water. It must be boiling when you add the powder as it will not work as well if you put it in room temperature water and heat the water and curcumin. After boiling it for ten minutes you will have created a 12 percent solution that you can drink once it has cooled down. It will have a woody taste.
The curcumin will gradually fall out of solution however. In about six hours it will be a 6 percent solution, so it’s best to drink the water within four hours. Be aware that curcumin is a very potent yellow pigment and can permanently discolor surfaces if you aren’t careful.

Be Sure Your Weight Loss Strategy is Comprehensive

It can’t hurt to add curcumin to your comprehensive weight loss program, but it should not be your only strategy for weight loss if you’re currently overweight or obese.
You can read an in-depth explanation of the common factors that contribute to weight loss here, but the key is the quality of your calories and exercise. Typically you will need to replace grains and sugars, including fructose, with high-quality protein and fats AND add in high-intensity exercise training like Peak Fitness. I realize that this might conflict with your previous understanding of a healthy diet, but that is clearly what the bulk of the science and anecdotal evidence supports.
For more comprehensive details, please see my nutrition plan, which is divided into beginner, intermediary and advanced, so that you can slowly work your way toward achieving your weight loss goals.


Life is to be enjoyed, not endured.


Rare Video of ‘Brave New World’ Author From 63 Years Ago

The video above features a 1958 interview of Aldous Huxley with Mike Wallace. It really is a great glimpse from the past. Wallace was smoking on the set, but that was natural back then, and Rod Serling, who produced the “Twilight Zone,” did the same. Interestingly, they both developed lung cancer.
You might recall that Huxley wrote the classic novel “Brave New World,” in which he presents a dystopian vision of a future society known as the “World State,” a society ruled by science and efficiency, where emotions and individuality have been eradicated and personal relationships are few.
Children are cloned and bred in “hatcheries,” where they are conditioned for their role in society from an early age. There are no mothers and fathers as natural procreation is outlawed. There are no family units.
Embryos are sorted and given hormonal treatments based on their destined societal classification, which from highest to lowest are Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta and Epsilon. The Alphas are bred and conditioned to be leaders while the Epsilons are designed for menial labor, free of higher intellectual capacities.
At the time Huxley wrote the book in 1931 (it was published the year after), optimism about technological advancements were high and there was widespread belief that technology would solve many of the world’s problems. “Brave New World” demonstrates the naiveté of such hopes by showing what can happen when technocracy is taken to its extreme.
Huxley believed his world of horror was right around the corner and, today, just shy of 60 years later, we’re starting to see Huxley’s “World State” closing in around us in the form of the Fourth Industrial Revolution’s transhumanist agenda and the Great Reset, designed to trap us inside a net of constant surveillance and external control.
Enemies of Freedom

Huxley also penned a series of essays called “Enemies of Freedom,” which he discusses in the featured interview. The series outlines “impersonal forces” that are “pushing in the direction of progressively less freedom,” and “technological devices” that can be used to accelerate the process by imposing ever greater control of the population.
Huxley points out that as technology becomes more complex and complicated, it becomes increasingly necessary to form more elaborate hierarchal organizations to manage it all. Technology also allows for more effective propaganda machines that can be managed through those same control hierarchies.
Huxley cites the success of Hitler, noting that aside from Hitler’s effective use of terror and brute force, “he also used a very efficient form of propaganda. He had the radio, which he used to the fullest extent, and was able to impose his will on an immense mass of people.”
With the advent of television, Huxley foresaw how an authoritarian leadership could become a source of “a one-pointed drumming” of a single idea, effectively brainwashing the public.
Beyond that, Huxley predicted the technological capability to “bypass the rational side of man” and manipulate behavior by influencing people on a subconscious level. This is precisely what we’re faced with today.
Google, but also to a large extent Facebook, has been collecting data on you for nearly two decades. They have created massive server farms that are capable of analyzing this data with deep learning and artificial intelligence software to mine information and generate incredibly precise details on just what type of propaganda and narrative is required to surreptitiously manipulate you into the behavior they are seeking.
Huxley also points out the dangers inherent in advertising, especially as it pertains to marketing of political ideas and ideologies:

“Democracy depends on the individual voter making an intelligent and rational choice for what he regards as his enlightened self-interest in any given circumstance but …
There are particular purposes for selling goods, and [what] the dictatorial propagandists are doing is to try to bypass the rational side of men and to appeal directly to these unconscious forces below the surface so that you are in a way making nonsense of the whole democratic procedure, which is based on conscious choice or on rational ground …
Children are quite clearly much more suggestible than the average grownup and, again, suppose that for one reason or another all the propaganda was in the hands of one or very few agencies, you would have an extraordinarily powerful force playing on these children who are going to grow up and be adults …
You can read in the trade journal the most critical accounts of how necessary it is to get hold of the children, because then they will be loyal brand buyers later on. Translate this into political terms, the dictator says they will be loyal ideology buyers when they’re grown up.”

Decentralization Protects Freedom; Centralization Robs It
Huxley argues that in order to create the dystopian future presented in his book, you have to centralize wealth, power and control. Hence, the way to protect against it is to insist on decentralization. It’s surprising that even 60 years ago Huxley was wise enough to understand this profoundly important principle.
I believe that it is the decentralization of the internet that is required to prevent censorship and manipulation in the future. This means that websites and platforms are not stored in one central place that can easily be controlled and manipulated but, rather, widely distributed to thousands, if not millions, of computers all over the world. It would work because if there is no central storage it can’t be removed.
Decentralized platforms allow the majority of power to reside with the individual. Technologies that can be easily misused to control the public narrative must also remain largely decentralized, so that no one person or agency ends up with too much power to manipulate and influence the public. Our modern-day social media monopolies are a perfect example of what Huxley warned us about.
The same goes for economic institutions too. Today, we can see how the role of the central bank (in the U.S. known as the Federal Reserve) — a privately-owned entity with the power to break entire countries apart for profit — is forcing us toward a new global economic system that will impoverish and quite literally enslave everyone, with the exception of the technocratic social bankers themselves and their globalist allies.
Our Orwellian Present
A contemporary and student of Huxley was George Orwell (real name Eric Blair1), who wrote another dystopian classic — “1984” — published in 1949. The two books — “1984” and “Brave New World” — share the commonality that they both depict a future devoid of the very things that we associate with having a healthy, free, creative, purposeful and enjoyable life.

In “1984,” the context is a society where an all-knowing, all-seeing “Big Brother” rules with an iron fist. Citizens are under constant watch. Privacy is nonexistent, and language is twisted to justify and glorify oppression.

Some of the spectacles of 2020 could have easily been ripped straight out of the pages of “1984,” as riots were described by cheery news anchors as “mostly peaceful protests,” even as city blocks were engulfed in flames behind them and people were bleeding to death in the streets. For those familiar with the book, such scenes were difficult to watch without being reminded of 1984s “double-think.”
Orwell Versus Huxley
There are differences between the two works, however. While Orwell foresees people being forcefully enslaved by an external agency, and kept in that state by the same, Huxley’s vision is one in which people have been so thoroughly conditioned that they come to love their servitude. At that point, no external authoritarian ruler is actually required.

If you think about it, I’m sure you will agree that this is clearly the most efficient strategy to take control of the population. Moore’s law and the exponential improvement in computer processing capacity has exponentially accelerated the global elites’ ability to precisely identify how to implement peaceful control that will have the majority virtually begging for tyranny.

In Huxley’s “Brave New World,” people have fallen in love with the very technologies that prevent them from thinking and acting of their free will, so the enslaved maintain their own control structure.

As noted by Neil Postman in his book, “Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business,” in which he compares and contrasts the futures presented by Huxley and Orwell:

“What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one. Orwell feared those who would deprive us of information. Huxley feared those who would give us so much that we would be reduced to passivity and egoism.
Orwell feared that the truth would be concealed from us. Huxley feared the truth would be drowned in a sea of irrelevance. Orwell feared we would become a captive culture. Huxley feared we would become a trivial culture, preoccupied with some equivalent of the feelies, the orgy porgy, and the centrifugal bumblepuppy.
As Huxley remarked in ‘Brave New World Revisited,’ the civil libertarians and rationalists who are ever on the alert to oppose tyranny ‘failed to take into account man’s almost infinite appetite for distractions.’
In ‘1984,’ Huxley added, people are controlled by inflicting pain. In ‘Brave New World,’ they are controlled by inflicting pleasure. In short, Orwell feared that what we hate will ruin us. Huxley feared that what we love will ruin us.”

The Promise of the Great Reset

One can argue about who predicted the future best, Orwell or Huxley, but in the final analysis, I think we’re looking at a mixture of both, although it seems obvious to me that Huxley was more prescient and he was actually Orwell’s mentor. Huxley’s concerns are far more serious as the programming is essentially silent, and it is patently evident that the technocrats have been highly successful in implementing this strategy in the past year.2

That said, we’re facing both the threat of externally imposed authoritarianism and control predicted by Orwell, and the subversive, subliminal programming through mindless entertainment and the lure of convenience proposed by Huxley.
Undoubtedly, the combination is a powerful one, and likely far more effective than either control strategy by itself. I’ve already touched on how Orwell’s work is playing out in the real world through the “double-think” mental gymnastics we get from the controlled, tightly centralized mainstream media these days.
For an example of how Huxley’s ideas have influenced the technocracy’s planning, look no further than the globalists’ call to “build back better” (video above) and the World Economic Forum’s 2030 agenda (below), which includes the strangely ominous dictum that you will own nothing and be happy.

The unstated implication is that the world’s resources will be owned and controlled by the technocratic elite, and you’ll have to pay for the temporary use of absolutely everything. Nothing will actually belong to you. All items and resources are to be used by the collective, while actual ownership is restricted to an upper stratum of social class.
Just how will this imposed serfdom make you happy? Again, the unstated implication is that lack of ownership is a marvelous convenience. Rent a pot and then return it. You don’t need storage space! Imagine the freedom! They even promise the convenience of automatic drone delivery straight to your door.
Artificial intelligence — which is siphoning your data about every aspect of your existence through nearly every piece of technology and appliance you own — will run your life, predicting your every mood and desire, catering to your every whim. Ah, the luxury of not having to make any decisions!
Life of man is ultimately impossible without a considerable measure of individual freedom. ~ Aldous Huxley
This is the mindset they’re trying to program into you, and for most, it appears to be working. For others who can see the propaganda for what it is, these promises look and feel like proverbial mouse traps. Once you bite the cheese, you’ll be stuck, robbed of your freedom forevermore. And, as Huxley told Wallace, individual freedom is really a prerequisite for a genuinely productive society:

“Life of man is ultimately impossible without a considerable measure of individual freedom. Initiative and creativity — all these things that we value, and I think value properly, are impossible without a large measure of freedom.”

When Wallace challenges Huxley on this by pointing out that the Soviet Union was successfully developing both militarily and artistically, despite being a tightly controlled regime, Huxley counters by saying that those doing that creative work, especially scientists, were also granted far greater personal freedom and prosperity than everyone else.
As long as they kept their noses out of politics, they were brought into the upper echelon and given a great deal of freedom, and without this freedom, they would not have been able to be as creative and inventive, Huxley says.
The Threat of the New Normal

This anti-human “new normal” that world leaders are now urging us to accept and embrace is the trap of all traps. Unless your most cherished dream is to lie in bed for the rest of your life, your body atrophying away, with a pair of VR goggles permanently strapped to your face, you must resist and oppose the “new normal” every day going forward.
As noted by Spiked editor Brendan O’Neill in his February 5, 2021, article,3 while the first lockdown was marked by a sense of camaraderie and the promise of it being a temporary measure that we can get through if we just address the problem together, by the third round, all forms of social connection have vanished, as has the anticipation of a return to normality.

“In the first lockdown, the dream of normality was what kept people going; it was actively encouraged by some politicians and even some in the doom-laden media. This time, dreams of normality are treated as ‘dysfunction’, as a species of ‘denial,’” O’Neill writes.

Make no mistake. The media’s rebuke of a return to normalcy as a nonsensical piped ream is dangerous propaganda territory. The reality is we could easily open everything back up and go back to business as usual, and nothing out of the ordinary, in terms of sickness and death, would occur.
People die every year. It’s an inevitable reality of life and, up until the last two weeks of 2020, there actually were no greater number of deaths recorded than the year prior, and the year prior to that, and the one before that.4
While new numbers released by the CDC indicate that 2020’s final two weeks may have pushed the total deaths beyond 2019’s (final data won’t be available for months),5 COVID-19 simply isn’t as lethal as initially suspected. It primarily kills the elderly and the chronically ill — what’s most interesting is that suicide deaths among teens went up dramatically as lockdowns and school closings dragged on.6,7
What’s more, we now have effective prophylactics and treatments that ensure the loss of life due to COVID-19 can be radically minimized. Yet, our leaders don’t want you to think in those terms. They want you to remain fearful because they have a deep appreciation of the value of fear in catalyzing the precise type of capitulation and surrender they need in order to implement the Great Reset.
Tragically, many citizens have so embraced the fear culture, they don’t even need an authoritarian figure to tell them to comply with rules that have no medical benefit anymore. They’ll happily act as the designated COVID police, making sure everyone around them complies.
Hell hath no fury like one caught in the unsound belief that they will die if you don’t wear a mask. This is no way to live. It’s not sane and it’s not healthy, and the prophetic works of Huxley and Orwell illustrate where it will all end if we don’t push back.
Never Surrender to the New Normal

In closing, I’d like you to ponder some portions from O’Neill’s article, in which he warns us about the threat posed by the culture of fear itself, which is just as dangerous and damaging as any virus:8

“[Spiked] argued that Covid-19 … would be refracted through the culture of fear, potentially harming our ability to understand and deal with this novel danger. This has come to pass. The shift from paying lip service to social solidarity to encouraging the populace to think of itself as diseased represents a victory for the degraded view of humanity gifted to us by the culture of fear.
The government’s early move from encouraging people to take responsibility for limiting their social interactions to using older methods of terror to ensure compliance with lockdown measures confirmed the culture of fear’s reduction of people from citizens to be engaged with to problems to be managed.
The failure to sustain the education of the next generation spoke to the exhaustion of bourgeois confidence, of the state itself, that underpins the culture of fear.
And the current threat of a New Normal — of a forever post-pandemic dystopia of distanced, masked pseudo-interaction — demonstrates that our future will be shaped at least in part by the ideologies and forces of the culture of fear …
Yes, the New Normal being talked up by the political and cultural elites will partially be informed by the experience of Covid-19 and the necessity of being prepared for a future virus. But it will also be shaped by … the culture of fear and its attendant anti-human, anti-progress ideologies …
Soon the practical task of minimizing and managing the impact of Covid-19 will have been largely completed, leaving us with the far larger humanist task of combating this culture and making the case for a freer, more dynamic, dazzling future of growth, knowledge and engagement.
Those who underestimate the culture of fear will be ill-prepared for these future battles. They will have a tendency to surrender to the New Normal. The rest of us should stand firm, even in the face of smears and willful misrepresentations, and continue to recognize and confront the real and debilitating consequences that fear has on everyday life and on humanity’s future.”